
Posts Tagged ‘doodle’

Day 5656 – Hanukkah Night 2 + Boxing Day

December 26th, 2024 No comments

Today is Boxing Day…

A day for watching Premier League English Soccer … Relax after a night of Chinese Dinner, Eggnog and more.

Then tonight is second night Hanukkah…

Here is new series menorah #2


Day 4897 – It’s Been a While!

November 24th, 2022 No comments

It has been quite some time since I last posted on the blog – 940 days!  But that does not mean I have not been doodling.  I have tons of pieces to share.  I have posted on my Instagram, so please follow Warren Beinart (@wbeinart) • Instagram photos and videos

This is my 2022 Thanksgiving doodle.  I will try to get back to posting a daily doodle once again.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all

Thanksgiving 2022

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 2368 – Elephant Series 1

December 20th, 2015 No comments

Starting a new “wild life” series this week

The Elephant Series.

What do you think of these?

2015-12-19 22.49.00

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 1977 – Turkey Doodle Day

November 27th, 2014 No comments

It’s Thanksgiving 2014

Another Turkey Day rolls around again

and what would Turkey Day be without a Turkey Doodle?

Just another day…

So in keeping with the Thanksgiving tradition

Here’s an artistic approach to Turkey Day.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


For good measure

Here’s a couple of additional takes on the Holiday Feast


and a negative approach for good measure


Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 1612 – Turkey Dreidel Day

November 28th, 2013 No comments

Today is Thanksgiving and so by tradition there has to be

an Turkey Doodle

But by coincidence it is also the first Day of Hanukkah

so herein lies the dilemma.

Do I doodle a dreidel or doodle a bird.

Guess which one won out.

Day 573 – Mandala Monday

January 24th, 2011 No comments

Here are a couple of recent Mandala Drawings
That are just perfect for a
brand new Monday

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 492 – Alien Invasion

November 4th, 2010 No comments

I am always delighted when I receive feedback on my posts.  I was never crazy about the dinner doodles from yesterday, but I got such nice feedback on Facebook and here, that made me realize that there is value in even some of your weaker work. I just love to draw and doodle and I am having so much fun, that’s all that counts.

While you are at it, why not “like” us on Facebook (under I will be having a big give away to celebrate my 500th post soon and Facebook and twitter are where you will get the news first.

Today’s doodles are a cute pair of innovative aliens.  Nameless, you bet…. who could come up with names for these guys…. Unless you have suggestions,  then leave me a comment.  Maybe they will not remain nameless for long.

Here is the MRS. . .

Alien MRS?

and her man

the MR?

Alien MR?

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 487 – Pumpkin Time

October 30th, 2010 No comments

What is it about Halloween and pumpkins.  I never did find out what it means, but everywhere you see carved out pumps with lights inside.  I have an electric one (now sitting in my basement as the boys have outgrown the Halloween traditions)  No body has yet informed me why Orange Veg plays such a vital role at this time of the year.

The witches and goblins, I fully comprehend and the tale of “All saints day” & “All Hallows eve”, I kind of get, but not the pumpkins.

But that didn’t stop me from grabbing the Orange Sharpie and carving out my own pumpkin.

Hope you are all geared up to dole out candy and don those ridiculously cute costumes… the Halloween season is in full force.

A Halloween Tradition

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 316 – Zentangle Encore

May 12th, 2010 No comments

I have a couple more Zentangles to share.  Did I mention that I turned them into really neat greeting cards.  Someday soon, I will get them on her eas well, so that you can order the note cards.  All it takes is time, which I am lacking these days.  But I did find time to upload these really cool Zentangles 3.5×3.5’s.  I would love to hear what you all think.

This one was made with love.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 196 – The Scribble Project

January 11th, 2010 No comments

It’s the start of a new week, so it’s time to come up with some new Doodle designs.  I have a ton more of the notepad doodles to share with you, I really found some gems as I was moving in to my new office, but I wanted to spend this week with some of my newer designs.  I also have few new ladies lurking in the wings too.

First off this week was a project I did over the holiday.  There used to be a website called “The Scribble Project” (I say used to, because just as I finished this and went to upload it to their site, I found out that they shut down the project, so I thought why not post my hard work right here)

The Scribble Project posted a blank page on their site You could then print off the page and do with it what you will.  This is what the blank page looks like:

People came up with some really creative ideas on this blank page.  I wish that the owners of the site would re-open it, so that you can see what some people came up with.

But for my followers, here is my scribble project.  Maybe one day it will become part of their site as well.  I have e-mailed them and told them how disappointed I was to see the site on “hiatus”

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,