
Archive for the ‘Doodle on Objects’ Category

Day 525 – Gum Wrapper Doodles

December 7th, 2010 6 comments

It’s been a while since I offered any of my “object doodles”, but today I found these gum wrappers on my desk. I knew I had kept them for a reason. So in between (a very stressful day) I decided I would do small today. These are simple and crude, yet they still offer an artistic flair. Now it makes it very hard to toss these Wrigley and “5” gum wrappers away.  Oh well i will just have to add them to my collection.

Maybe this will give you an incentive to doodle for the world challenge.  You don’t need a huge canvas, just see what can be done with a tiny piece of paper.

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: ,

Day 517 – On Hold with Comcast

November 29th, 2010 2 comments

Yesterday for a while our internet went down (gotta love that Comcast) and to add insult to injury my new bill arrived which included a huge price hike.  So I hoped on the phone to get answers.  Was I in for a surprise.  I cannot tell you how long they kept me on hold (granted it was the tail end of a holiday weekend, but they are supposed to be so proud of there 24 hr service).  The irony was that by the time I was done with them on the first of 2 calls,  my one DVR machine was not working (and I wasn’t even having Cable problems to start with).  What a mess.

As I sat on hold at my desk I just had to doodle,  and I had these white envelopes handy (you can’t really tell by the picture, but they are the white classic linen envelopes which I use for my stationery, a nice texture to work with.)  I had messed up an order so I have over one hundred and fifty printed with an incorrect address.  In most instances these would be rendered useless, but not to a doodler.  I grabbed my sharpies, and while a waited listening to the sweet voice telling me ” The next available customer service representative will be with you shortly”  I drew and drew and lo an behold came up with these 3 mini masterpieces.

These are good enough to be framed and now I know what I can do with the remaining 147 addressed envelopes…. it’s not like they’re going anywhere.

By the way,  Comcast came back on and I was able to get this posted on time….. still have not missed a day.

This was actualy the 3rd Envelope I did.

Here is Envelope #2

Good thing I had my Sharpie set handy:

And this was #3

All during 2 phone calls

with Comcast.

Day 415 – New Lidoodles

August 19th, 2010 No comments

I guess I have been eating a ton of yogurt, because I found this whole pile of Yogurt lids on my desk. so needless to say they had to be “doodled up”.  This isn’t even all of them, so we’ll be seeing LiDoodles for quite a while. 

It has been quite some time since I did any object doodling, so the LiDoodles make for a nice changes.  Now I plan to pick the best and frame them.  How cool would that look.





Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: ,

Day 315 – DVDoodle

May 11th, 2010 1 comment

The other night i was burning a video montage to DVD and it kept erroring out.  Finally worked after the 4th try, but I was left with these DVDs that were now un-usable.  Time to whip out the pen and doodle on them.  I had done a CD doodle quite a while back, but this one came out really well, so I just had to put it up for all to see.


Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 311 – More (Lid)oodles

May 7th, 2010 No comments

Have to finish off the series of Lid Doodles.  Now I need to think of a fun way to display then as well.  Who would have thought a Yogurt Cup lid could one day become an item of Art (maybe just me), but I did have fun making them and that’s what counts.

So here we have Lid Doodles part II:


Ok, so they are not “The Mona Lisa”

But I enjoyed making them.

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 310 – (Lid)oodles

May 6th, 2010 No comments

It’s been ages since I did any object doodles and for those followers that haven’t seen what I did in the past, click on the category “Doodle on Objects” and take a look.  An egg, a banana, tennis ball and much much more.

The other day I was munching on a yogurs and was just about to toss the lid into recycling, when it dawned on me that the lid was perfect for a doodle, especially my circular doodles. . . the lid as a pefect center starting point.  Before you knew it, I had racked up 6 new Lid doodles or “Lidoodles”   So over the next few days I will share them along with some other doodled on objects I have,

Do like skul dooles are now Skoodles, Lid doodles are now Lidoodles, Here are teh first three that I did:



Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: ,

Day 133 – Ceramic Returns

November 9th, 2009 2 comments

Pretty cool, how we got featured on the Skull a day website this weekend.  How does one follow that up? I had a pretty crazy hectic weekend, but I managed to squeeze in another couple of Ceramic tile doodles that I wanted to share with you.

Here’s the first one, I hope you enjoy.

Another ceramic tile doodle

Another ceramic tile doodle

Taken from another angle

Taken from another angle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: ,

Day 128 – in controll-er

November 4th, 2009 No comments

Nothing is safe from the doodle pen.  Not even an old Nintendo controller.  If I was allowed i’d take on the wii controllers too.  These turned out fun

Here’s the before:

Before under going "an extreme makeover"

Before under going "an extreme makeover"

and here we have the “after”

After the make over

After the make over

From a different angle:

From a different point of view

From a different point of view

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 127 – Just a click away

November 3rd, 2009 1 comment

I have more mice crawling around in my basement than I care to think about.  No, not the ones that eat cheese, but rather the clickable ones.  Now a days with touch pads and wireless, the original is fast becoming obsolete.  So take out your mice and give them a new look.  My little guy got kinda smudged along the way, but that’s because my permanent sharpie dried up and I was in a hurry to get this posted.

Regardless, you get the idea.  So make it a winter project, get out your pens and doodle your mice. (and I mean that in the cleanest way)

Here’s my attempt.

Field Mouse

Field Mouse

Country Mouse

Country Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Mouse Trap

Mouse Trap

Who moved my cheese?

Who moved my cheese?

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 126 – Electronics

November 2nd, 2009 No comments

We all have old appliances lying around the house.  Walkman, CD players, ipods, mice, controllers.  They are just collecting dust in basement and attics.  What do we do with these “no longer needed” items  Throw em out, so they end up comtaminating landfills? I don’t think so.  We should all be creative with our unwanted, no longer needed items.  So, I decided to spruce them up and turn them into pieces of art.  Electronic doodles is what I have come up with this week.  Now they are not the easiest things to draw on, because of uneven surfaces and odd shapes, but then again they are being doodled on, not body painted and I wanted them to retain some of their original features.

I was at first thinking I would prime paint them white and then draw on then, but that would be no different than drawing on white paper.  So instead I left them as is and see what comes out.

My first victim was an old CD player, that was given a purple hue….

Al Old Panasonic - done!

Al Old Panasonic - done!



CD Player from the side

CD Player from the side


CD Doodle - another angle

CD Doodle - another angle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: