
Archive for October, 2010

Spreading the word

October 31st, 2010 No comments

I am so honored, so many people are mentioning the World Doodle Challenge on their own sites, encouraging their followers to submit doodles.  I just wish I knew them all.

Here’s a list of sites, that I know of, that have blogged about it…

I KNOW there are others, so if you know of a site that I can thank and mention here, e-mail me at and I will include it.

The Salon Diplomatika Daily Nov 28th 2010

Just me and My art

JaDoodles Art Blog

Ken’s Daily Dragon mention on Nov 2

Doodlepalooza’s mention on Oct 12

Just Draw, Doodle and Decorate

JoJoBell’s doodle mention on Oct 28

David Cohen’s mention on flickr

Monsterprojeckt’s mention on Oct 19

Maken’Art’s Mention on Oct 7th

redbubble‘s mention

Tina Festa’s mention on FaceBook

joyjuldia’s mention on Oct 26th

mixxclassic mention

SueDoodles mention on Oct 22

132(so far) comments on ubervu

Earth Monster’s mention on Oct 24

Timeless Ritual’s mention on Oct 8

Coach Creative

Inside Outsider Art

Gray-T Pumkin mention on flickr

Love. Make. Think on Oct 5th

Day 488 – It’s Halloween

October 31st, 2010 No comments

It’s Halloween!, witches

I call these 3 – “The good, the bad and most definitely ugly”

Time to put on your costumes, get out your ghouls & Goblins and go trick or treating.

and while you are out, you might encounter these 3 “ladies”

The good...

Witch #1

looks more drunk than anything else

The Bad ...

A scrawny



The Ugly ...

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 487 – Pumpkin Time

October 30th, 2010 No comments

What is it about Halloween and pumpkins.  I never did find out what it means, but everywhere you see carved out pumps with lights inside.  I have an electric one (now sitting in my basement as the boys have outgrown the Halloween traditions)  No body has yet informed me why Orange Veg plays such a vital role at this time of the year.

The witches and goblins, I fully comprehend and the tale of “All saints day” & “All Hallows eve”, I kind of get, but not the pumpkins.

But that didn’t stop me from grabbing the Orange Sharpie and carving out my own pumpkin.

Hope you are all geared up to dole out candy and don those ridiculously cute costumes… the Halloween season is in full force.

A Halloween Tradition

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 486 – Trick or Treat

October 29th, 2010 No comments

October is definitely giving us a fond farewell.  The temps have been in the 70s the last few days and despite a cold Friday that is expected today, it is supposed to be beautiful for the weekend and Halloween.  I have my “Jack-o-lantern” doodle ready to go for Sunday.  but before that we have to get the neighborhood ready for trick or treating….  Some neighborhoods are more friendly than others.  Not too sure about this one.

The Trick or Treating Mouse

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 485 – more classics

October 28th, 2010 1 comment

There is something about the circular mandala design that everybody loves.  Yesterday’s old school doodles went down really well.  I just had to add a couple more…

windmills of the my mind

and one more

classic design

A super Swirl...

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 484 – Old School Design

October 27th, 2010 No comments

I am so enjoying receiving the work of others who are partaking in the world doodle challenge.  It is so much fun to see all the different styles of design and technique that people use.  It’s making this project a joy and I would love for you to continue to spread the word.  The beauty of this is that anyone can enter.  Old, young, artist of lay person.  This is for everyone.  All you need is a pen and an imagination.

Take a postit note and use that for you design….. I have on many occasions, it’s so much fun. Most importantly don’t ever think your work is not good enough.  There is no such thing as a bad doodle.

So give it a shot,  spend 15 minutes with a pen and a blank piece of paper and send me the outcome.  You will see it’s very therapeutic.

For my doodle today, I went a little old school, with the kinds of design I love to do.  Sure the pear feet are cute and cheeky and the ducks and ollies are fun to draw, but I love to create zenlike Mandalas or paisley’s  and this one is no exception.  I love this type of design, so here are a couple of old school designs for you.

The Beauty in Design

why not a “twofer”

when you go old school

I guess you go all the way.

Design Beauty #2

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 483 – A “Pear” of Legs

October 26th, 2010 No comments

As a follow up to my fruity feet last week,  I did one more.  Appropriately called “A Pear or Legs” I think she’s the cutest and sexiest of all.  That’s the fun thing about doodling you can create anything.  No boundaries…. just letting your imagination run wild.

Now I gotta think of some other strange combinations to draw.

A "Pear" of Legs

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 482 – 2 Birds in a Row

October 25th, 2010 2 comments

No idea what got me all Duckified, when I did these …. but these guys materialized out of somewhere, just not sure where.

The first one is kinda Regal looking duck, the second is more of a woodpecker than a duck….. but he still is a cutie.

Hope you all have a great week.

The Royal Duckie

This guy

is not as Regal

The Doodled Duck

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 481 – 100th World Doodle

October 24th, 2010 No comments

Yesterday I posted the 100th world challenge doodle, which I was very happy about and word is spreading.  People are now finding the challenge on other blogs and that is so welcoming.  This means that the word is getting out.  People love to draw and I am here to share those drawings with the world.  I am confident that we will reach our goal of 1 million doodles in no time at all.

So continue to get the word out and take 15 minutes of your time grab a napkin, a piece of paper, a business card anything and scribble something quick and send it in.  It does not have to be a masterpiece,  it just has to be yours.

So join the World Doodle Challenge today.  Be part of Doodle History.

Here’s my doodle for Day 481:

Day 481 & the 100th world doodle

Day 480 – Parlotones Mandala

October 23rd, 2010 2 comments

I recently received the latest Parlotones CD/DVD combo and, which was from a live concert they did in Johannesburg, a while back and I fell in love with the song “I’ll be there”  Listening to it live is so cool.  They actually played it at their show here in DC (the very first show of their US tour)  So since I can not get the song out of my head, I thought I would share the video with you.

Check out the band on YouTube and their latest album “Stardust Galaxies” is now available in the states.  It is fantastic.  So today’s doodle is for “The Parlotones” and Jackie, I know you’ll like this one too.

A Parlotone Mandala

To enjoy while Dooding

The Parlotones “I’ll be there”