It has been quite some time since I last posted on the blog – 940 days! But that does not mean I have not been doodling. I have tons of pieces to share. I have posted on my Instagram, so please follow Warren Beinart (@wbeinart) • Instagram photos and videos
This is my 2022 Thanksgiving doodle. I will try to get back to posting a daily doodle once again.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all

Thanksgiving 2022
I know, I know
I have been absent for a couple of months…. AGAIN! but I am back and that does not mean I have not been drawing. I have tons of new pieces to share with you. So we are Jumping ahead to Day 3072 and hopefully more consistent postings….
So here goes (and I would love to hear from you all)
The Doodle Daily is once again on the move!
Day 3072 – A new Posting

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all
Here’s my annual “turkey day” doodle

It’s Thanksgiving 2014
Another Turkey Day rolls around again
and what would Turkey Day be without a Turkey Doodle?
Just another day…
So in keeping with the Thanksgiving tradition
Here’s an artistic approach to Turkey Day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

For good measure
Here’s a couple of additional takes on the Holiday Feast

and a negative approach for good measure

Today is Thanksgiving and so by tradition there has to be
an Turkey Doodle
But by coincidence it is also the first Day of Hanukkah
so herein lies the dilemma.
Do I doodle a dreidel or doodle a bird.
Guess which one won out.

Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving. The day the crazies come out. The Bargain hunters are unleashed. Right now as I type this there are people lined up waiting for stores to open at 4, 5, and 6 in the morning. Some places are even throwing their doors open at midnight and as those doors will stay open for 24 hours. Unbelievable!
Me, I will be cozy in bed…. There are no bargains big enough to get me out at some ungodly hour.
As for today’s doodle, I end off Bird week with the “one that got away”. Every year a turkey is pardoned by the pres and is not sent out to be slaughtered. I think the escapee made it all the way here.

Thanksgiving, a day to reflect on all that you are thankful for and all that has transpired over the past year. I do know that I am grateful to all of you, who visit the “doodle daily” on a regular basis and enjoy the whimsical pieces of art that I put out day in and day out. I have so much fun and enjoy what I do, because I know that you are all there enjoying along with me.
As you carve the turkey and gather with your family and friends, give a thought to those who may be alone, far away and unable to be with the ones they love on this holiday. I want them and you to know that I am thinking of you all.
Turkey Day as part of bird week, would not be the same with out a freshly doodled Turkey. I was going to resurrect our turkey from last year, but instead I doodled up a brand new one.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all

Doesn’t that sound ominous. To me Black Friday sounds like doomsday, but I guess for those already in line for the day after Thanksgiving specials it probably is a daunting thought. It used to be that you could get up at 5:00 am and head to the stores to get in line. Now a days the stores are opening at 4 & 5 am so you have to be in line hours before. Midnight won’t cut it, these days you have to be in line straight after Thanksgiving dinner. It’s cold, it’s a long night…. that 42″ Samsung better be worth it.
Here’s a doodle or two to keep you company as you wait for the stores to open up.

The chaos of Black Friday
Black Friday, does that really sound like a good day to go shopping.
Skip the sales, Sleep in, the specials will be there again (ok, maybe not that 42″ Samsung for 2oo bucks, but you wanna know a secret, it’s probably not there at all)
Have a great “Day after Thanksgiving”
The weekend turned out to be a wonderful one and now we have a short week to look forward to. I always love the Thanksgiving week. Maybe it’s the food, maybe it’s the store bargains, or maybe it’s because it is the start of the holiday season. But everyone is always is a good mood this week. Workloads are generally lighter, homework is less and people are getting into the holiday spirit. I can’t wait to finally debut my Turkey Doodle, which has been waiting in the wings for nearly a year. You’ll have to wait until Thursday for Tom Turkey to make his debut.
In the meantime, I have plenty of fun doodles for you to enjoy. Starting with this interesting shapes:

Interesting Design 1
And here’s another…

Interesting Design #2