
Posts Tagged ‘elephant’

Day 2368 – Elephant Series 1

December 20th, 2015 No comments

Starting a new “wild life” series this week

The Elephant Series.

What do you think of these?

2015-12-19 22.49.00

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 1225 – Decision 2012

November 6th, 2012 No comments

So today is the day we head to the polls.  There has been so much campaigning and complaining,  I thought  this day would never arrive.  Whether you vote to the left or the right, let’s hope we make the right decision to take us forward (not backwards)  This is 2012, we should be united and working together to a better and brighter future.  There are some important choices ahead, make the right one.

Q. Why do Republicans have an elephant and Democrats have a donkey?

Back in 1874, cartoonist Thomas Nast used an elephant to depict the Republican vote in his drawing “The Third-Term Panic.” The cartoon was published in Harper’s Weekly after the owner of the New York Herald reportedly criticized the notion of Republican President Ulysses S. Grant running for a third term. (Grant didn’t end up running in the next election).

In the drawing, an “ass” — depicting the New York Herald — scares away other animals in a forest as the elephant — or the Republican vote — looks like it’s about to stumble into a pit.

But that cartoon isn’t where where the Democratic donkey came from. In 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson’s critics called him a “jackass” because of his populist views and his slogan, “Let the people rule. Jackson decided to run with it — even using images of a donkey in his campaign ads. Later, Nast also used a donkey to depict the Democratic party.

You have the choice to go either with this guy:

or if you are so inclined

this guy…

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , , ,

Day 727 – Pachyderm

June 27th, 2011 2 comments

Elephants are always fun to draw and it’s been quite a while since I worked on my wild life series.  I recently had some enquirers for my elephant doodles, so I figured i was time for a new Pachyderm to make an appearance.  I love the way this one turned out.  He looks exotic enough to make a grand appearance  anywhere.

Hope you enjoy him or her as much as I do.

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Day 470 – Ollie

October 13th, 2010 2 comments

I do love my doodled animals.  I have posted giraffes, gorillas, mice and more.  This time I took on a beast that lends itself well to being doodled.  I actually have a couple of elephants doodled, but this was the first that I completed.  He is no Dumbo, he’s chic, he’s smart he’s Ollie.


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Day 254 – Elephants

March 11th, 2010 3 comments

Continuing on with the wild life series…. I bring you the elephant in the room.

What more is there to say?

The elephant in the room

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