
Archive for March, 2012

Day 1005 – Color Wheel

March 31st, 2012 No comments

Saturday Mandala

A beautiful color wheel

The Sharpies are back in action.

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Day 1004 – Friday Face

March 30th, 2012 1 comment

Getting creative.

Hidden Faces

Teardrops and more.

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Day 1003 – Genie Blue

March 29th, 2012 No comments

I’m a Genie in a Bottle

gotta rub me the right way.

… apologies to Christina Aguilera

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Day 1002 – Pink Elephant

March 28th, 2012 No comments

There ain’t no white elephant in the room

Just an elephant

that’s pretty in pink.

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Day 1001 – New Era

March 27th, 2012 No comments

How do you follow up day 1000.

Do you start anew?

Do you start afresh?

or do you just pick up where you left off the day before?

You just keep on doodling.

Here’s day 1001 doodle:

I call it … Marching into the Future.

The start of a new era - Into the future we go

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 1000 – A Thousand Doodles

March 26th, 2012 5 comments

The Day of 1000 Doodles


I started this quest with the goal of posting a new doodle every day for about a year.  I thought 365 days would be tall order and there would be no way I would stick it out, but it was a challenge and I was not stepping away from a challenge.   I met my goal, with great fanfare and then I just kept going.  One year turned into two and I kept on doodling.

I started the world doodle challenge and still kept doodling.

I was featured on Hot 99.5 The Kane show and I kept on doodling.

WTOP had me in studio and on the air and I kept on doodling.

The Gaithersburg patch even came over to tape me in action and I just kept on doodling.

Then Sharpie came a calling and still I kept on doodling

Am I having fun with this or what.  Next stop TV (know anyone that wants to do a feature, I mean come on 1000 doodles, wouldn’t that make a great local news story?)

All this time I have kept on doodling.  Here I am at an almost unthinkable new achievement.  1000 days of non-stop continuous posting.  1000 creative drawings, some serious, some crazy but always fun.  I hope to keep it going.  So here is the challenge to you.  Spread the word, tweet about it…. Facebook this article around the world.  Let’s all get drawing…. doodling…. and I promise to keep on posting.

As of now I have 217 followers on Facebook…. click on this link and like my facebook page and let’s push that number WAY UP!  I promise that as long as I have a pen in my hand and an image in my mind I will continue the quest.  May day 1000 be just the start of more exciting doodles to come and I want as many of you along for the journey.


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 999 – Nine Nine Nine

March 25th, 2012 2 comments

Nine Nine Nine

Just one day away

from the elusive 1000.

How did I make it this far.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 998 – Going Crazy

March 24th, 2012 No comments

Sometimes you feel like you are going crazy.

Cyborg Crazy

Been so busy lately, that’s just how I feel.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 997 – Tweek End

March 23rd, 2012 No comments

Tis the weekend

Spring is in the air


Doodle-Bug is out too!

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 996 – Cherry Blossom Doodle

March 22nd, 2012 No comments

I have lived in DC for 22 years and every year I vow to make it downtown to catch the amazing cherry blossoms when they are at their peak and in full bloom.  Each year something has come up to derail that desire.  Granted they are only in full bloom (weather permitting) for about a week, so it’s not difficult to miss the spectacle.  Don’t get me wrong, I do get to see some cherry blossoms during the season ( I have a beautiful cherry tree in my front yard).  I just have never experienced one of DC’s favorite treasures first hand.  That is until yesterday, when I had to be downtown and decided to take a drive past the tidal basin as they sun was setting and WOW, was it worth the wait.

First off, it was a magnificent March day.  Spring is in the air, it was a no-jacket kind of day.  All I can say is that the site of the monuments and the trees is one that is breathtaking.  so serene and just special and it’s what makes living in Washington worth the hassle of traffic and government and more.

If you have never seen them, do yourself a favor and make a stop in DC during Cherry Blossom season.  To top it all this year is the 100 anniversary of the gift of the Cherry Trees from Japan, so experiencing it this year for the first time had a more special meaning.  After today’s Cherry inspired doodle scroll down to see a few of the pics I took (I have more on my Facebook page, if you want to see the whole album) 

Doodle First:

Cherry Blossom Inspired Doodle


Take a look at the rest of my pictures on FaceBook

There are some truly spectacular shots there

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