Just a quick post of some random folk. It’s been quite a while since I doodled any faces…. so now is as good a time as ever. I should do these more often, because I have a blast putting the features together:

He looks like he had quite the night…..

So many different things went through my mind as I drew this and you can draw your own conclusions as to where he comes from or what era. Or maybe i’ll just let the face speak for itself.
The tear?
The red lips?
What’s the story behind the face?

What's the story behind the face?
I am having so much fun meeting all these creative people of Twitter. It is is amazing. There is so much talent around that I am just astounded. So to all my new Friends, Fans and Followers, thank you for visiting the Daily and enjoying the doodles. For those of you that are not yet following on Twitter or Facebook, you are definitely missing a huge part of what makes the blog so special.
Here’s the doodle of Day 428. A continuation of the Red Lip Series. It wasn’t intentional to do a red lip series, but once I started it, I may as well continue.

The Red Lipped Doodle
I started this as just a one sided face, but then it evolved into what I now call “The Phantom” of the Opera that is. Not quite what Andrew lloyd Webber had in mind for Michael Crawford, but that is exactly what came to mind as I was drawing this.

The Phantom
I saw this painting online yesterday, that inspired me to take a different direction with my doodle drawing today. Someone on twitter asked how long it took to draw and actually the basic outline didn’t take long at all, less than half an hour. Then I spend time fine tuning it and here it is. Last night I quickly posted it on twitter via twitpic, but I wanted to add it to the blog as well.
Would love to hear what you all think.

I forgot I had this de-facing of Rihanna lying around and I really like it. These are all so much fun to do, I have to look out for and do some others. I wonder if these are ever seen by those I am doodling. who knows?
Here’s the defaced Rihanna.

Rihanna deFaced
While sitting waiting for the tires to be changed on my car on Saturday, I had time to grab a pen and while paging through the latest Rolling Stone, I can across this pic of Leo di Caprio. I just couldn’t resist. He had to have a “de-facing” I did a couple of others too, which I will post later in the week.
A new week, A new month, where has the time gone. 2010 is just flying by.
Here’s the de-faced Leo

As they say in the classics or at least at every award show… It’s an honor just to be nominated. I didn’t come out on Top as the Best Blog in DC, but no one can take away that I was nominated as part of the Top 10. What an amazing honor. I appreciate all those who voted, I appreciate all those who have stopped by the blog to say hi, or view my work.
The Doodle Daily is not your typical “What’s on in DC Life” blog, but I try through the art of the doodle to show what might be happening in our City. So for that I was very happy to be included as one of the best.
I plan to keep the doodles going for a long time. Very soon I plane to invite you all to join in the fun. I will be starting to post guest doodlers on a regular basis. So get out your pens and start drawing so that I can include you all in this amazing journey.
Now it’s time for today’s doodle. Another in the series of “re-facings”

I recently came across a site that opened up a whole new type of doodle design for me. I have always drawn on a blank piece of paper and let my imagination run free. Besides my object & post-it doodles every other doodle has been on a blank page. But the site I came across was by an incredible artist in Australia, who took magazine images and drew over them and all I could think was, why had I not tried that before.
So often my doodles have been compared to Henna Tatoos, so I have no idea why I hadn’t tried this before.
Well, here is my first attempt and who better to use as a model than the stunning Lauren Hutton in an Olay ad. I have since done several others, so you will be seeing them again and I will put up details of the site that inspired me as well.
For now, here is what I call “Re-Facing” I hope you like it.
And don’t forget to nominate me for best blog in DC (details on yesterday’s post)

In just 10 days “the doodle daily” will be ONE. Not bad for the little blog that could. I’m thinking of all unique ways to end off our first year and enter Year 2 in true doodle style. If you have a favorite doodle that you want to see again at the start if year TWO, please let me know. Let’s call the Fan appreciation week. In the mean time I have a few fun doodle ideas to share.
Starting with 2 doodle faces. we haven’t seen them in a while and last week I came up with these 2 guys, while on a long distance call.
They don’t hold a candle to the ladies we’ve seen in the past, but since it was father’s day yesterday, the guys have to make an appearance.

Jean Claude
And this guy is Johan van deVenter

Johan van Deventer