
Archive for September, 2018

Day 3373 – The Book is Out

September 21st, 2018 No comments

Today my book

“i doodle – The Art of the Doodle”

became available for sale on

Very excited to see how this journey all turns out

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 3355 – “i doodle”

September 3rd, 2018 No comments

I took some time off over the Summer to work on a New Chapter in the life of “The Doodle Daily”

Coming soon will be my first publication.  A book I call:

“i doodle”

I reached back into the annals and waded through thousands of images.

It was a tough process of elimination, but I pulled together a collection that highlights what I have done over the past 9 years and complied them in to a book.  Yesterday I received the first proof, which means now it is a reality.  To all those who have prodded and begged and advised and on and on to publish my work…. Your wish is about to come true.  The book will be coming to Amazon and hopefully other sources too in the very near future.

Here’s glimpse of what is to come.  The cover is ready for prime time:

and flattened the front and back covers


Categories: Doodle Art Tags: