Another late night, one of these days I will get to catch up on my sleep, but it ain’t happening right now. It’s once again late. I got a ton of work done, but always have the time to make sure the doodle of the day is posted. I still need to scan the artwork I produced wile in two days of very interesting training. I will scan and prep and have it ready for you all next week.
Today’s doodle is another spring inspired one, hence the green background, giving it a freshly cut lawn look.
Have a happy Friday!
I am working late again, it’s way past my bedtime. So no time to write too much today. Here’s another Dotty Doodle. We’ll discuss in detail later.
A while back I started this series of doodles that were made up of dots and as I was going through some of my scans last night, I realized that I had never posted any of them. So I thought I would start to share a few of them with you. I need to find them all. They were fun to do and very different to some of the other drawings I have made.
So, if you think I am going totally dotty, it’s just the doodles taking over my mind.
Enjoy, and also look out for my first “Doodle Animation” coming soon, once I figure out how to convert it to a movie file. More on that in the next few days.
Also be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedoodledaily and become a fan on Facebook (the doodle daily is under on Facebook) As our anniversary draws near there will be fun stuff coming up and being a FB fan, you will get the news first hand.
For now…. Here’s Dotty #1
It’s been a while since we had a rip roaring thunderstorm around, but last night we had quite the noise and rain maker. We certaily needed it. Did the rain help with the allergies? Not really, still coughing like crazy.
I am still beat after my late night last night, so we will dive straight into Day 301’s doodle. It’s Spring like/Summer pic….. enoy.
300 Days – 300 Doodles
I have hit another milestone, and with Day 300 comes the countdown to our first anniversary. I cannot believe that we have made it this far. I would write more, but it’s late. I have been working on some other projects, which have kept me up till the early morning hours but I had to make sure we have our 300th doodle posted. I will have more details tomorrow.
Here’s today’s Artistic doodle:
My allergies have been in full swing this week, driving me crazy with the onset of couging attacks and tight chest. There is nothing I can do, but wait it out and the good thing is by the middle of next month I will be in the clear again. So before my next coughing attack arrives, here is today’s doodle.
It is so rewarding when people out of the find your site and tell you how much they appreciate your work. You have no idea how gratifying that is. So this is a shout out to all of you that have “Stumbled Upon” The doodle Daily and left me word that you like what you see. I started this blog as a way to share my “scribbles” with the world, I never dreamed it would grow and grow. In 2 days we will be at Day 300 and the countdown will begin to our 1st Anniversary. I look so forward to to sharing it all with you.
And for those that have found me for the very first time. don’t be shy, leave a comment, say Hi. I would love to know that you stopped by.
Here’s your weekend dose of the daily doodle, something fresh and spring like:
I’m ending off the “Master Class” series with what I call “The Landscape Doodle”. This is a doodle that is somewhat planned out, yet still has the free form feel. The Zentangles I did last week are like that in a way. They were designed to fit in a predetermined space, they were planned out, yet the doodle itself was still free form.
A while back I did a series on lansdcapes (Day 116 Kaapstad) or (Day 113 – Doodled Landscape) for example,that show case what I mean. These Doodles set out with a purpose to to represnt something specific, even if some of them are abstract in nature. Take a look back and let me know what you think.
Feature # 5 – Landscape
Sometimes when i am doing these, I will draw a rough pencil outline, since we are trying to create a “landscape” of sorts and with out an outline the landscape may fo astray. Often, I will use different colors, so as to create more than one dimension and I always love the contrast of the black and blue. I call this one “Window to the World” and when I started it I did not have a window in mind, that’s just how it evolved. What you see through that window is purely up to your imagination.
Take a close look at this and tell me what you see, don’t be afraid to leave a comment. I relish the feedback.
I am pretty sure that the first doodles I ever did were paisleys. In the past I have done some pretty fun paisley drawings, many of which I have featured here. In fact the top searches on my blog are for paisley drawings. So I would be amiss if I excluded Paisley from our Master Class series. For those that find my Paisley based on a Google search, let me know, leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.
Feature 4 – Paisley
The fun thing with Paisleys is that you can do pretty much anything inside and I like to mix them up and put in as much variety as possible. I created this set 0f paisleys to showcase the variety. Gige it a try. Paisley is fun.
Sometimes you just let your pen go. No dots, no lines, so squiggles, just swirls. They can be ineward or outward, it depends on the mood and how confined your drawing mood is.
Feature 3 – Swirls
This one had ne going outwards and creating swirls of different sizes. Often I will fill in a space with inward swirls that appear to be running out of space. Swirls are quick and easy to do and look very effective. Here’s doodle style #3 – Swirls.