
Archive for August, 2009

Day 63 – I Postit something new

August 31st, 2009 2 comments

I’ve been talking about this for a few days now.  This week I have taken to doing a series of doodles on postit notes.  I strated by picking one size, but will also take on larger and smaller postit notes.  It was fun working on a much smaller “canvas” , being confined and unable to grow the image was interesting.  I hope you like the series.  I will display them individually at first and then as groups at the end. 

Sometimes the little things pack the biggest punch and working with the confines of the Postit, I realized I had to be more diciplined and accurate.  I really did love doodling on these.

So to set things off, here’s the first postit doodle.

Postit Note Doodle no1

Postit Note Doodle no1

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 62 – Freefest

August 30th, 2009 No comments

I’m off to the 2009 Virgin Mobile All day music festival today.  called Freefest.  It should be a long and very fun day.  Great bands are playing; Blink-182, Weezer, Franz Ferdinand, and many more.  I went last year with my son and we had an amazing time.  This year he has several friends joining us.  Let’s hope the rain holds off.

I hope you enjoyed the object doodling exercise, that I ran this past week.  For the coming week, starting Monday, I have something different to share.  So be sure to come back and check it out.

For today’s doodle, I thought I would close out object week with an object that I would love to doodle on, but I simply doodled the object instead.  My trusted, but at times annoying smart phone.  So here we have the Palm Treo in all it’s doodled glory.

My trusted Palm Smartphone

My trusted Palm Smartphone

Categories: This and That Tags:

Day 61 – Put a lid on it

August 29th, 2009 No comments

As we come close to the end of the week of object doodles. I have a simple but sweet item for display. 

A top, just a top.  It’s small (not much room to doodle on) and I couldn’t use my trusty fine line doodle pen on the clear plastic, but I like the simplicity of it.

Sometimes it’s the small simple things that come over looking the best.

Next week I launch a brand new doodle series that I really loved doing amd I hope you will too.  Make sure you catch the little gems I have in store for you next week.

For now, here’s the itty bitty doodle lid

A doodled bottle top

A doodled bottle top

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 60 – Just a spoonfull of . . .

August 28th, 2009 No comments

A while back I gave you a doodled plate and cup, so why not throw in the flatware.  I love this doodled spoon, but it’ s been lying around too long and the artwok appears to be pealing off.  So I quickly snapped it.

A doodled Spoon

A doodled Spoon

Then, while I was scrolling through my pics, I found the fork I had done a while back.  I’m not so crazy about the doodle fork, but it goes with the flatware.

The Doodled Fork

The Doodled Fork

And then in the midst of everything I felt like a cup of tea…..

from a doodled tea-bag

A Doodled Tea bag Package

A Doodled Tea bag Package


Tea Bag -a- doodle

Tea Bag -a- doodle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 59 – Another 3 for Thursday

August 27th, 2009 4 comments

You gotta love them doodles.  Yesterday was the busiest day on the site, thanks to all those that are stopping by on a daily basis.  Now I’m getting mail from folk who are here because the love to doodle, are inspired by doodles are intrigued, are uplifted.  I am so pleased that what I am doing is being recognized.  The amazing power of the Internet,  reaching those with a passion all over the world.  Keep coming back and leave comments and feedback, so that I know you’ve stopped by for a quick visit.

Recently I decided the site needed a little face lift.  I picked a new WordPress Theme (you gotta love WordPress).  This theme gives me more space to play with and more options.  Do you see the FACEBOOK page link.  Why not become a fan of ours on Facebook.  Since “The Doodle Daily” is an offshoot of our parent company “Tjomies Vintage Stationery” the facebook site is, where you will find many interesting things. 

So I chose a new theme and I also felt it needed a little color, so I introduced a new banner and background.  I would love to hear what you think.  so leave a comment or drop me a line through the contact link on the sidebar —–> the one on the left.

That being said, we still need to see the doodles.

For the object doodle today I smoothed out some tin foil (lunch wrap) and gave it a spruce up.  Recycle time, let’s not waste. 

Doodle on Tin Foil

Doodle on Tin Foil

                                        From a diferent perspective, using a flash!

Aluminum/Tin Foil

Aluminum/Tin Foil

 That’s one way to save the planet.

 Now to round out 3 for Thursday. 

Here is a  doodle drawing n blue ink that I did recently and wanted to share.

Doodle Design in Blue

Doodle Design in Blue


Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 58 – You light up my doodle

August 26th, 2009 No comments

A Candle in the wind

A doodle sheds some light

The savior during a Summer storm

A touch of romance, the mood is set

but all will be gone at the end of it’s reign

A candle gets it's doodle

A candle gets it's doodle

From another angle

From another angle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 57 – Marie a cookie

August 25th, 2009 1 comment

A while back we had the Saltine cracker with all it’s bump and grinds.  Tough doodling around those pesky salt crystals.  This time I took on a Marie Biscuit (cookie).  These have always been a favorite.  love to dunk them in tea or coffee (but you better make sure it’s not the one that got doodled)

I did the front and back, because the surfaces are so different.  Take a doodle peek at the “Marie”

The Marie Biscuit Doodle

The Marie Biscuit Doodle

That was the front, this is the back:

The backside of Marie

The backside of Marie

Another Angle:

The Marie Biscuit/Cookie

The Marie Biscuit/Cookie

Day 56 – A Floppy Doodle

August 24th, 2009 No comments

I received so many comments and feedback on the Object doodling that I did a while back and I did promise it would return.  So this week along with traditional doodle drawings we will have a weeks worth of object doodles.  I put my pen to some way out items….. keep checking back this whole week.

Here is Doodled object no 1 for round 2 of this exercise.  I’m sure you too have a ton of these useless floppies lying around… so why not turn them into works of art.  The scary thing is that the picture I took of this floppy, would not even fit on the disk itself.  how technology has progressed.

Doodled Disk

Floppy from another angle:

Doodled Floppy

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: , ,

Day 55 – Doodle on Objects Return

August 23rd, 2009 No comments

They’re coming back….. Tomorrow I kick off a new week of Object Doodling.  I will give you a taste of what’s to come here.  I found some cheeky places to draw on this time…. It should be a really fun week.

Here’s a hint – A Floppy, A stiffie, A Marie, A Manie, some foil, some wax….. so keep coming back all week to see what I have up my sleeve.



In the meantime here’s some doodle art to end off the week.

MODA - Modern Doodle Art

MODA - Modern Doodle Art

and more:

MODA - Modern Art Doodle Diamond

MODA - Modern Art Doodle Diamond

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 54 – A night at the Movies

August 22nd, 2009 No comments

Just got home from seeing two pretty good movies.  District 9 & Inglourious Basterds.  Two very different but both intense movies.  Loved District 9 (and I must admit when I saw the preview, before I knew anything about it, I though it was a joke).  It was a well made, surprisingly well acted movie and as a South African ex-pat, I had a chuckle everynow and then at somethings that were said. 

Inglourious was a different story.  I do love the work of Quentin Tarantino.  His dialog is sharp and crisp and his scenes are often so well orchestrated.  Pulp Fiction is one of my all time favorite movies.  I just felt with this one he dragged on and on in some scenes.  The constant language switches were at times difficult to grasp, especially when his dialog is so rapid fire, it becomes tough to follow with the sub titles.  But, overall it was true Tarantino and worth seeing.

I never invisioned my Doodle Blog entry to be a movie review, but I hope I was able to give you some insight into these two summer blockbusters.

On to the doodle of the day for Saturday:

A little blue, a little black

A little blue, a little black