
Archive for July, 2009

Day 32 – Time for a cuppa

July 31st, 2009 1 comment

I did this Doodle a while back and included it in one of Tjomies Greeting cards.  It has always been one of my favorites.  One always needs to make time in the day for a nice cuppa tea and what better way to enjoy a nice brew than in cup doodled just for you.  Take a peek at the other Doodle cards we have over at Tjomies Vintage Stationery and if you want to go directly to the Doodle Art Cards here’s the direct link.  I am working on a whole new range of Doodle Art Holiday cards, so keep checking back and register with us, so we can keep you informed.

In the mean time it’s Friday so settle back, with a nice cuppa tea (Five Roses, if you really want the best) and get ready for the weekend.

DOOD102 cuppa

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 31 – First Month down

July 30th, 2009 1 comment

We’ve made it to the end of out first month.  What an interesting month it was.   I hope you are all enjoying this as much as me.  Today I am heading back to the endo for drilling session no 3.  Let’s hope this is the last time.  I’m done with pain and agony.  So hold thumbs that my root canal experience is over.

Today is also Thursday so here are 3 similar designs for or 3-for-thursday posting.  Enjoy!




Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 30 – Still in Pain

July 29th, 2009 No comments

I was back at the Endodontist yesterday,  more drilling and they still have not got to the actual root.  I have to go back on Thursday.  So I am still on painkillers and it’s no fun.  Let’s hope that on Thursday he gets to the source of all this pain.  Today is the last day of voting in the doodle design competition.  Have you all voted?  If not you need to check out my link on the “doodle competition” post It only takes a few minutes.

Ok, so here’s the doodle daily’s doodle of the day:


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 29 – Root canal, no fun

July 28th, 2009 1 comment

I experienced my first Root Canal, yesterday.  No fun at all and I found out, I have to go back a few more times.  They weren’t able to complete the job in one session.   The pain is still there, but not as bad as yesterday.  It took forever for the Novocaine to wear off…..  I don’t have the energy to write much, but here’s the doodle of the day:


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 28 – In agony

July 27th, 2009 1 comment

I spent the rest of the weekend in agony.  Terrible tooth ache.  In need of a root canal.  But I still had to make sure the doodle was lined up for today.  After all is back on track, i’ll have to doodle a tooth.

Here’s the doodle for today (it kind of looks like a tooth) :


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 27 – Sunday Sunday

July 26th, 2009 1 comment

Saw the incredible South African band “Freshly Ground” at the Zanzibar club in DC.  They are amazing and it was a thrill seeing them perform live right here in Washington.  I was amazed how many people there, knew their music.  They really do put on an unbelievable show.  Pity they leave today to head back to SA.

 Here’s what I have for you this Sunday.


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 26 – The weekend is here

July 25th, 2009 2 comments

Thanks to all those that have taken the time to log on and vote in the Doodle Designers Competition.  We just have a few more days.  If not here is the direct link to the Doodle Competition post with details on how to vote:  We gotta do what we gotta do.  This was a long week and I loved doing the paisley mix.  This coming week we’ll be going back to some of my original drawings, because I know I have lots of fun ones to post.  So being the weekend I though it might be a good time to kick back and go fishing….

Look what I caught:


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 25 – Pretty in Paisley

July 24th, 2009 1 comment

So we’ve seen the paisley (and I’ve got lots more to show you), but what you might ask do you do with them.  Well in addition to our daily doodle here’s a glimpse of what my very creative partner at Tjomies Vintage Stationery has done with our paisleys.  All of our paisley cut outs are available on line at the Tjomies site and also through Accessories of old, where Lisa has tons of fun items for sale.  Go check out her online store and take time to visit her amazing blog “A Vintage Dream”.

paisley stripand here are some of the fun paisley cutouts and designs that Lisa came up with for our Scrapbooking section.


floralcutout 2502-pic


There’s a lot more where this came from At Accessories of old and also on the Tjomies website.  So pay us a visit there.


Doodle Competition

July 23rd, 2009 2 comments

Three of my designs were accepted into the “Social Designers” Doodle Competition.  Which I am very excited about.  Now I need your support. Voting closes on July 29th, so we have just over 5 days to get your votes in.  How do you do that I might ask.

First log on to the Social Designer website (if the link does not work, cut and paste the following into your browser):

Once you get there then scroll through the site till you see my designs (unfortunately, they randomly assign the pages and they change every time, so I can’t tell exactly which page I am on.  These are my 3 designs, that you need to look for:

paisley sq

“All in a Square”

Nelson Mandela

“One man, One vision, One Doodle”


“one line many lines”

Once you locate my drawings, you vote by clicking on the red heart which says “fave this”

It is going to ask you to register in order to vote, just fill out the few bits of info on the right side, where it says “Sign up now and make the good greater” and Voila, you have voted.

Then go back and “Fave” my other designs and you are done.  (just make sure you don’t un-fave them)  You will know they are voted upon, because they get a red square around them

Then we hold thumbs until August 3rd.

Thanks for you support.

Categories: This and That Tags:

Day 24 – Paisley in the mix

July 23rd, 2009 No comments

Another Thursday rolls around, so in addition to our Paisley spread, I will throw in 2 more so our Three for Thursday special lives on.  I hope you are all enjoying this as much as I am.   First off this was one of my very first paisley designs,  I needed something as a background for a series of greeting cards and I wanted the paisley look and feel.  It took many attempts to get the layout just right and the dimensions perfect, but the outcome was just fine.

brown paisley

So I took the same Paisley piece and with a little twist & turns came up with a brand new sheet that we have used in all our scrapbooking cutouts.  I have this is a multitude of colors.  If you want to see what we have done with paisley take a peek at the Tjomies Web Site.  Lisa has been a wiz with coming up with unique ways to use paisley

green paisley

Here’s the same design in a different color and used as the background for one of our gift tags, which you can get to see at the Tjomies website.

pink tag

Categories: Tjomies Vintage Stationery Tags: