Day 1827 – 5th Anniversary
Who would have thought when I started “The Doodle Daily” as a 365 project that I would actually keep it going for the year. I thought I was bound to skip or miss at least one day. There was no way i’d come up with something different every single day for a year… Before I started this blog my doodles were all scribbles on the margins of notebooks.
Here I am after 1827 days celebrating my 5th anniversary. I find that so hard to believe, but its been an amazing joy ride. When I go back and look at the drawings I have posted over the past 5 years, even I am surprised. Trust me there have been some duds along the way, but there have been plenty of gems.
I have met some amazing creative people on this journey and hopefully I bring a smile to face of anyone that takes the time to check in with the blog on a daily basis.
For this week I decided to work on a series of Hamsas
Which are symbols of good luck
(I’ll have more on the origins of the Hamsa tomorrow)
But I thought it would be a great way to celebrate our 5th birthday together.