Day 1370 – March Ends
March Ends
going out like a lamb,
and spring is just round the corner.
Happy Easter to all
March Ends
going out like a lamb,
and spring is just round the corner.
Happy Easter to all
The start of the Easter Weekend
A Good Friday to all
The doodle looks more like an abstract “turkey day” doodle
you be the judge
Crazy busy!
Which is a good thing
No quite time to just sit and be creative
So I end up producing something like this…
Back from our little road trip
back on track
Back to Routine
with a simple doodle pattern.
Bored and scribbling
here’s a quick one
2 little ducks
Tonight is the start of Passover
The Exodus
Take a moment to read story of Moses and reflect.
May we all strive for Freedom.
This was a quick travel sketch that I did
To me it looks like a Grecian god
Heading out on a short road trip up north.
Gonna be a snowy ride
even though we are officially supposed to be in Spring.
Oh Well.
It’s the Madness of March
otherwise known as March Madness
So today’s doodle is Tall
A hoop playing
Those who get March Madness, know what I mean.
Play On.