
Archive for February, 2012

Day 974 – Leap Year

February 29th, 2012 No comments

Feb 29th

A day that comes just once every four years.

You almost feel like you have to do something crazy this day

because you won’t get the chance to do it

for another 4 year.

So what do you do on Leap Years Day?

or is it just another day

no different from the rest.

Here’s a Leap Year doodle,  I just had to do something special for special kinda day.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 973 – End of Feb, Not!

February 28th, 2012 No comments

Today should be the last day of February

but alas this is a “Leap Year” (more on that tomorrow)

So the month gets extended by one more day


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 972 – The Artist & Meryl

February 27th, 2012 No comments

A great night at the Academy Awards.  The Artist (no surprise won Best Picture, Best Actor & Director leading to a sum of 5 awards overall) Hugo, too walked away with 5 technical awards.  But my biggest shriek of joy came when Meryl Streep won Best Actress.   After a 30 year dry spell…. 30 years since Spohie’s Choice, and 17 nominations in all she finally has #3.  So well deserved.  Even though my Oscar Ballot I predicted Viola Davis from “The Help”, I was over the moon to see Meryl ascend the stage in gold to pick up the gold.

The hugest surprise of all night was that the show came in at just over 3 hrs.  Is that a record for one of the shortest shows in years. The show moved at a swift pace and as always Billy Crystal was amazing as always.  So good to have him back and in superb form.

My night of nights is now over and we can only look forward to next year.  I hope you had fun at the oscars too.

I now wish that I had a Meryl doodle or an Artist doodle ready to go, but alas I was too engrossed in the show to draw.  So here’s my Oscar Night Mandala

Oscar Night Mandala

Day 971 – Oscar Night 2012

February 26th, 2012 No comments

Tonight is Oscar night.  One of my favorite nights of the year.

This year Billy’s Back and I ready for a good show.

Have you made your predictions

Is “The Artist” going to run away with it?

Does it have any competition?

Does “The Help” need any help?

Will Margret help Meryl make it to 3?

We will find out tonight, with a wrap up tomorrow.

I was trying to think of something to doodle that would compliment the Oscars well.

I have done the statue in the past, but couldn’t think of anything different.

So I’ll leave you with a question mark, to ponder who will win?

The Question is, "Who will win?"

Day 970 – Black n Blue

February 25th, 2012 No comments

Here’s one

Black with a touch of Blue

If I can do it

So can you!

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 969 – 70 in February

February 24th, 2012 1 comment

Here we are the middle of February, it’s supposed to be Winter and today it’s going to be 70 degrees!!!!

What is up?

Winter is almost done and it has yet to officially arrive.

Not that I am complaining.

I will take this any day.

Here’s a bright and colorful doodle to match the awesome weather.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 968 – Doodle Story

February 23rd, 2012 No comments

I love it when a doodle takes on a life of it’s own and has a story to tell.  There is something in there and the more you look at it new things appear.  What do you see, and what story does it tell you?  I would love to hear your interpretations.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 967 – Mardi Gras

February 22nd, 2012 No comments

Yesterday was Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) and I am sure all you revelers are still recovering.  Saying to yourself where on earth did I get that many beads from.  I am sure in New Orleans the party is still rocking “Laissez les bons temps rouller”.  As I was thinking about it I suddenly had these crazy haired doodles going and beads were popping up all over.  Here’s a few Mardi Gras party-goers.

Mardi Gras Party goer


Mardi Gras Beads and all


Queen of the Night - Mardi Gras style

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 966 – Long Weekend Over

February 21st, 2012 No comments

How come on a day off you end up being busier than ever?

What happened to kicking back and relaxing on a public holiday?

I am more exhausted than ever and the week ahead looks to be a crazy one.

The work week has not started and I am already wishing it was the weekend.


I did find time to sneak some color into the doodle though.

That’s one consolation of having a long weekend.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 965 – Presidential

February 20th, 2012 No comments

I probably should have doodled something “Presidential” for President’s day 2012.  But what would one consider to be “Presidential”  A Lincoln Doodle, or GW…. too cliche’d.  I am just happy that it’s a day to relax and not have rise and shine at the crack of dawn.  So presidential doodle or not, go ahead and enjoy the day off.  I know I will.


Categories: Doodle Art Tags: