Yesterday was a wild day. After posting my “Teen Wolf Teeth” Kane doodle and the podcast of the show, the response was unbelievable. Nearly 1100 visitors to my little blog in one day. I had visitors to the site from everywhere and I can’t thank Kane, Sarah, Sammy, Erick and all at Hot 99.5 enough. Thanks to the listeners and Twitter followers that stopped by, you are amazing, but next time when they stop by, leave a comment, let me know you were here. Hope you took a tour around the site and checked out the other fun stuff I’ve doodled.
Anyone find the doodled egg or the Banana?
Did u see Regis, Kelly, Ellen or Conan (I really like my Conan Doodle – Day 43).
The reason for the “Days” reference is that I have set myself a goal of posting a new doodle every day for a year (at least) and I’m up to Day 80 thus far. So if you have any ideas of what I could doodle on, let me know…. I’ll give you a shout out, now onto “the challenge”
The Kane Show Challenge
The Summer of Death/Fall of Fatality
Kane set me a challenge (and boy do I like a challenge). On yesterday’s broadcast, he suggested I doodle the rest of the show in keeping with their “Summer of Death/Fall or Fatality” theme. (Sick and sad as it may be, a challenge is a challenge) He said that Sarah was expected to be attacked by a Wall of Purses and meet her untimely death. But, I figured (since it was kinda grey outside) that I’d stick her in a Summer thunderstorm, with big black doodled clouds, where she is caught up in a hail of Coach and Fendi, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Will she survive or will she be the next victim…… stay tuned next time on “the summer of death”
If you look at the picture of Sarah that I used as my guide, she does have this shocked expression, maybe she knew the Purse storm was coming.
Hope you guys enjoy…. Reefer Sammy is next.

Sarah Fraser in a hail storm of Purses
The Original Sarah image (courtesy of the Kane Show & Sarah’s own Show)