
Posts Tagged ‘Kane Show’

Day 281 – Kane’s Birthday

April 7th, 2010 No comments

It’s been a while since I have given a doodle shout out to the guys at Hot 99.5.  Lots of exciting things are going on with the guys on the morning show.  Well I thought I would take today to give them a special mention and since it’s Kane’s Birthday, why not put pen to paper and do a special Doodle tribute.

I found this really cute pic of Kane and baby Sam napping and thought it was perfect as a Birthday doodle.  Have a fantastic day and I will be sure to be listening today.

Happy Birthday.

Kane's Birthday on Hot 99.5

 This was the original used to do the doodle

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , , ,

Day 204 – Hey Fraz!

January 19th, 2010 No comments

Just loved the 3 day weekend.  I hope you all took my advice and spent time reflecting on the dream of Dr. King yesterday.  Now we can lighten things up a bit.  You know I’m always giving a shout out to our good friends at Hot 99.5.  Well Sarah “The Fraz” is busy doing a hole heck of a lot of new things these days.  Not only is she on the Kane Show in the mornings, she has her own show “The Sarah Show” that follows and now she’s doing stand up too.  (Still waiting for my invite to see you perform)

She has also started her own website and blog.  Social Networking is the way to go.  But I noticed that her website was lacking something, it needed a fresh new “Sarah Fraser Doodle”.  I have done a couple in the past, but there was a cute picture on the site, that I just had to give the ole doodle touch to.

So to celebrate the launch of her new website Hey Fraz! I have this new Sarah Fraser doodle for you all.  Check out her site at 

Sarah, I hope you like this one.  We’ll keep listening to “The Sarah Show” and as always on “The Kane Show” each morning.

The new Sarah Fraser doodle


Day 140 – Sarah’s Doodle Day

November 16th, 2009 No comments

If you listened to the clip from Friday’s Kane Show, you would have heard that Sarah Fraser took a stab at interpreting the doodle I had done of Samy K.  When I heard this, I asked her if I could post her painting on The Doodle Daily.  She wrote back to me over the weekend on Facebook and said:

Sarah Fraser: warren…rock it…you are free to post my copy of your samy doodle any where you like! you are the best!

How’s that for a nice compliment.  Sarah, you are great.  Your are fun to listen to, you brighten up the morning drive and now that you have your own show, you are the one that rocks it on the airwaves.  You have such a great following, when you tweeted about the first doodle I did of you, I had the most visitors to the blog ever.  Thanks for all the kind words on the air, at least you know “the doodle guy” is listening.

For those of you visiting the blog, if you ever want to catch Sarah’s show (especially for those followers, world wide) you can get both Sarah’s show and the Kane Show  “on demand” at

Now, with out further ado, my first Guest on the doodle daily is Sarah Fraser’s doodle of Samy:

Sarah Fraser's doodle of Samy K from Friday's show

Sarah Fraser's doodle of Samy K from Friday's show

And to make sure I don’t skip a beat with publishing a new doodle every day.  Here is one on my own for Monday, I tried to use the same colors that Sarah had used in her Painting.

A Doodle Daily Thank you To Sarah Fraser

A Doodle Daily Thank you To Sarah Fraser

No Sarah’s doodle day would be complete without a new “Sarah Fraser Doodle”.  I expect all you Sarah fans to tweet about this one. Let’s make Sarah’s doodle day the busiest day ever on “The Doodle Daily”.

Be sure to catch Sarah on both the Kane Show and Sarah’s own show on Hot 99.5  listen live or on podcast at

The New Sarah Fraser Doodle

The New Sarah Fraser Doodle

Inspired by this picture


Heard again on Hot 99.5

November 13th, 2009 No comments

How nice is it to be driving down the road and the next thing you know the No 1 morning radio show in Washington DC is talking about you. Well it happened again today and this time I heard it.  Yesterday’s blog about the Kane Show’s 3rd year on the air was loved by them.  Kane, Sarah, Sami & Erick, you guys are too kind and I really enjoy doing the doodles for you.  I look forward to seeing Sarah’s doodle of Sami.

For those that are not able to hear the Kane Show or the new Sarah show in the mornings, here’s the clip from today that talks about the doodles.

Kane show discussing "The Doodle Daily"

kane show doodle

If you ever want to here more from their show, they have “On Demand” clips of various segments

on their website at


Day 137 – Kane show 3rd Anniversary

November 13th, 2009 2 comments

hot 99.5’s The Kane Show turns 3!

Today is Friday the 13th.  Why do people fear the 13th? To most it’s just another day, but to some it’s hide under  a rock and don’t come out kind of day.  So what ever the day means to you…. have a lucky one.

Today is also a big day for our friends at Hot 99.5’s “The Kane Show”.  Sarah, Samy, Erick and Kane have been big supporters of “the doodle” and so I wanted to do something for their 3rd year on the air as a team.  I can’t believe it’s 3 years already.  They have made the morning drive a whole lot of fun for all of us.  With “War of the Roses”, Sarah’s Dirty”, Moron Madness, “the summer of death” and so much more.  Let’s hope they are around for a long time.

Here’s to the Kane show, Happy 3rd anniversary!

The Kane Show on Hot 99.5 3rd year on the air.

The Kane Show on Hot 99.5 3rd year on the air.

I doodled this just for you guys.

kane show doodle

and now anniversary celebration would be complete with out

a few gifts.

Happy 3rd year on the air.

Gifts doodled just for the Kane Show,

Gifts doodled just for the Kane Show,

Day 122 – Hot Gossip

October 29th, 2009 No comments

The celebs have been missing for a while.  They have been scarce since we did the Kane Show.  As part of our Mash up week, we had to include a couple of celeb doodles and who better then the King of Celeb gossip Perez Hilton and her TLC royal highness Kate (the hair alone is a doodle waiting to happen)

Perez, if you see this, you have a face just waiting to be doodled.  I just happened to pick the Blue hair (cause I have a blue sharpie).  It is a such fun pic to doodle (but somehow I always struggle with the teeth)  Kane said I gave him “teen wolf”  teeth….. well I didn’t fair any better with Perez…. Oh what the hell, he will take out his highlighter and draw an arrow directly to them.   I think anyone who sees this post needs to write Perez at: and let him know that he needs to check this out.

The King of Celeb Gossip - Perez Hilton

The King of Celeb Gossip - Perez Hilton

and as always the image inspiration for this doodle was:


As I said earlier Kate Gosselin has a hairstyle that just screams out “DOODLE ME”  (even though she has since changed her looks) I just took this one and ran with it.

Kate Gosselin and her infamous hair

Kate Gosselin and her infamous hair

and the Kate Gosselin inspiration image was:


Also for those that followed my Kane Show tribute and my week long breast cancer awareness set of posts, tomorrow is Hot 99.5’s Bras across DC. It takes place down on the mall from 11 am to 1:00 pm go out and lend your support for a fantastic cause.

Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Tomorrow October 30th is Hot 99.5 & the Kane Show’s ” Bras across DC”

Go check it out

Bras Across DC tomorrow

Bras Across DC tomorrow

Day 81 – Slacker Samy, Seriously

September 18th, 2009 No comments

Sarah survived the bag attack but,


the Summer of death continues.


By the looks of things Samy K, is not OK.  I see him drugged out and lying in a pool of beer and vomit.  Will he make it?  Summer ends on Monday, will he make it through.  Will he survive “the summer of death”.  Never fear, “Doodle Dan”, or the “Doodle guy” or whatever Kane calls me,  will protect you.  I am watching over you.  I will keep you all safe.  Just keep blogging and tweeting and talking about “The Doodle Daily” and all will be ok.  No need to lock yourself in the studio for the next few days, Warren is keeping a eye out for you.

We definitely don’t want to see Samy end up looking like this…. or do we?

Slacker Samy, in a pool of beer and vomit

Slacker Samy, in a pool of beer and vomit

Slacker Samy

Ok so Samy K, does look a little strung out and goofy in his summer of death pose, but i’m sure he has a serious side too (it must be there somewhere) so as a bonus I scribbled him again.  I call this the “after rehab” pose.

Samy showing his Serious side

Samy showing his Serious side

Serious Samy

Day 80 – Kane Show challenge

September 17th, 2009 1 comment

Yesterday was a wild day.  After posting my “Teen Wolf  Teeth” Kane doodle and the podcast of the show,  the response was unbelievable.  Nearly 1100 visitors to my little blog in one day.  I had visitors to the site from everywhere and I can’t thank Kane, Sarah, Sammy, Erick and all at Hot 99.5 enough.   Thanks to the listeners and Twitter followers that stopped by, you are amazing, but next time when they stop by, leave a comment, let me know you were here.  Hope you took a tour around the site and checked out the other fun stuff  I’ve doodled. 

Anyone find the doodled egg or the Banana? 

Did u see Regis, Kelly, Ellen or Conan (I really like my Conan Doodle – Day 43). 

The reason for the “Days” reference is that I have set myself a goal of posting a new doodle every day for a year (at least) and I’m up to Day 80 thus far.   So if you have any ideas of what I could doodle on, let me know…. I’ll give you a shout out, now onto “the challenge”

The Kane Show Challenge


The Summer of Death/Fall of Fatality


Kane  set me a challenge (and boy do I like a challenge).  On yesterday’s broadcast, he suggested I doodle the rest of the show in keeping with their “Summer of Death/Fall or Fatality” theme.  (Sick and sad as it may be, a challenge is a challenge) He said that Sarah was expected to be attacked by a Wall of Purses and meet her untimely death.  But, I figured (since it was kinda grey outside) that I’d stick her in a Summer thunderstorm, with big black doodled clouds, where she is caught up in a hail of Coach and Fendi, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.  Will she survive or will she be the next victim…… stay tuned next time on “the summer of death”

If you look at the picture of Sarah that I used as my guide, she does have this shocked expression, maybe she knew the Purse storm was coming.

Hope you guys enjoy…. Reefer Sammy is next.

Sarah Fraser in a hail storm of Purses

Sarah Fraser in a hail storm of Purses

The Original Sarah image (courtesy of the Kane Show & Sarah’s own Show)
Sarah Original

Radio Recognition

September 16th, 2009 2 comments

The little blog that could got a big mention today on “The Kane Show” on Hot 99.5 in Washington DC.  They got wind of the doodle I did of Kane, the host and made several mentions througout the show. 

Thanks you guys, it’s so nice to be recognized.  Now I have a big challenge on my hands to doodle the rest of the crew.  So you will be seeing more local talent over the next few days.

Thanks Kane for tweeting about me and Sarah for your Facebook responses.  You guys definitely brighten up the morning on both the Kane show and Sarah’s show that follows.

Here’s a link to the podcast from that segment of the show.

Leave me a comment, let me know what you think.