
Posts Tagged ‘bras across DC’

Day 122 – Hot Gossip

October 29th, 2009 No comments

The celebs have been missing for a while.  They have been scarce since we did the Kane Show.  As part of our Mash up week, we had to include a couple of celeb doodles and who better then the King of Celeb gossip Perez Hilton and her TLC royal highness Kate (the hair alone is a doodle waiting to happen)

Perez, if you see this, you have a face just waiting to be doodled.  I just happened to pick the Blue hair (cause I have a blue sharpie).  It is a such fun pic to doodle (but somehow I always struggle with the teeth)  Kane said I gave him “teen wolf”  teeth….. well I didn’t fair any better with Perez…. Oh what the hell, he will take out his highlighter and draw an arrow directly to them.   I think anyone who sees this post needs to write Perez at: and let him know that he needs to check this out.

The King of Celeb Gossip - Perez Hilton

The King of Celeb Gossip - Perez Hilton

and as always the image inspiration for this doodle was:


As I said earlier Kate Gosselin has a hairstyle that just screams out “DOODLE ME”  (even though she has since changed her looks) I just took this one and ran with it.

Kate Gosselin and her infamous hair

Kate Gosselin and her infamous hair

and the Kate Gosselin inspiration image was:


Also for those that followed my Kane Show tribute and my week long breast cancer awareness set of posts, tomorrow is Hot 99.5’s Bras across DC. It takes place down on the mall from 11 am to 1:00 pm go out and lend your support for a fantastic cause.

Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Tomorrow October 30th is Hot 99.5 & the Kane Show’s ” Bras across DC”

Go check it out

Bras Across DC tomorrow

Bras Across DC tomorrow