Home > Doodle Art > Day 2191 – 6th Anniversary

Day 2191 – 6th Anniversary

Today I reach a new milestone.  It’s  “The Doodle Daily’s” 6th anniversary.  A project that started as a year long 3-6-5 project is today celebrating it’s 6th birthday.  I often get asked “How do you come up with something new everyday?” And somehow I do. Give me a pen and I shall draw.

If you have been following over the past 6 years, you will have noticed styles have changed and concepts have evolved.   Themes came and went, sometimes revisited and some times never seen again. Occasionally I will see an idea that sparks a whole series of doodles and other times I may just do a one off.  But each idea is mine and each drawing is unique.

Sometimes, I’ll look back and say “What was I thinking?”  and other times it might be “Did I really draw that?”

So for all of you who at sometime or another have liked a drawing, or received a card with one of my drawing on it, I hope that it brightened up your day and made you smile.  Or maybe it sparked a hidden creative gene inside that said “I can do that”

Thank you all for 6 wonderful years.  All the comments, feedback and likes have been so greatly appreciated.  As I have said all along as long as I have a pen in hand I will continue to draw.  I hope you will continue to join me on this creative journey.

Here’s my 6th anniversary doodle.

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