
Posts Tagged ‘wtop’

Live on WTOP Radio

October 1st, 2010 No comments

Just finished my interview with Neal Augenstein at WTOP radio (103.5 FM) here in Washington DC.  They just played the first clip on air and I will post the actual piece as soon as it becomes available later today.

I had to be at the studio at 4:00 am this morning, so it was a pretty early start to the day.  One think I will say is that the commute is fantastic at that time.  I had the road all to myself.  I got to meet the morning news team Bruce Alan & Mike Moss and then sat down with Neal to be interviewed.  We chatted about the art of doodling and the types of drawings that I do and how relaxing and Zen like doodling can be.  I explained how you concentrate more when you are drawing, especially in meetings or on the phone.  I shared with them the different types of drawing I had done.

In preparation for my interview, I had taken a few quick sketches of the team including weather man Doug Hill & traffic queen Lisa Baden and put those images on greeting cards, which I will post here as well.  I gave each of them a set of card, which they really appreciated.

The WTOP newsroom at 4:00 am in the morning

where the interview took place

Neal Augenstein and I

Neal checking the images I used for their note cards

The Neal Augenstein Doodled Card

The Morning News Anchors

Bruce Alan & Mike Moss

The Bruce Alan Doodle

The Mike Moss Doodled Card

Day 388 – Voting Closed

July 23rd, 2010 No comments

Later today we will know who won as the best blog in DC and win or lose this was a fun experience.  Even just to be recognized as on of the Top 10 blogs in a city like Washington, DC is amazing.  And to all of you who voted, I want to say a big thank you.

Before the voting closed, I took this snapshot of the “Poll”, so you can see who all was nominated:

It even mentions that blatant voter rigging, but all that aside, “The Doodle Daily” made the Top 10 (which was cut to the Top 9) and that is so special for “The little blog that could”

Now, back to today’s Tattoo doodle:

Aren’t these designs so special?

Categories: This and That Tags: ,

Day 387 – Wow!

July 22nd, 2010 No comments

What an amazing day!  First my blog gets nominated as one of the TOP 10 blogs in DC.  Then we have a crazy day of voting (and I do want to thank all of you who logged on to vote) and lo and behold, some smart ass has to mess with the votes and get themselves and their blog  eliminated.

The great thing is “The Doodle Daily” is still in the running, so now you all have to go out and vote once again.  You have until 12:01 am on Friday morning to vote.  So log on to WTOP, select “The doodle Daily” in the box that says “today’s poll” and vote, vote, vote.  We can win this.

We know that everybody has doodled at sometime or other, be it in a meeting, on the phone, on a napkin or magazine cover.  So you can all relate.  The Doodle is as much an art form as anything and Art is so prevalent in DC.  We fit DC to a tee.

So go out and vote.  Once again here is the link to cast your vote.

Today’s doodle pics up where we left off yesterday, with our new section on re-facing.  This one is one of my favorites.  The shape of the back was so perfect to draw on, like a permanent tattoo and she has a message to add as well.  So this one is for a Great Cause as well.

Here’s today’s refaced doodle for Day 387.  NOW GO VOTE!

We made TOP 10 -VOTE!

July 21st, 2010 1 comment

The Doodle Daily made the Top 10 list of Blogs in DC, now I need your votes.

Log on to or click on this direct link and vote for The Doodle Daily.

Let’s Make “The Doodle Daily” the best blog ever.

To register your vote, you need to click on the link or the “Best of WTOP” image below, then when you get to the WTOP site on the right select “The Doodle Daily” and hit Vote.  We are being crushed by Fairfax right now, so I need your votes.

Once you’ve voted. leave a comment here, so that we can share the love.

Now do your civic doodle duty and get out and VOTE.

Categories: This and That Tags: , ,

Nominate The Doodle Daily

July 20th, 2010 No comments

I need your Help, I need you to nominate “the Doodle Daily” as the best blog in DC.

Send a text or an e-mail just saying “The best blog in DC is” to one or all of the following:

What is the best local blog? July 20, 2010 – 1:56pm / WASHINGTON –

Tell WTOP the best blog in the D.C. region.

Text to: 91035

Send an e-mail to

Post a comment in the message board on the left

Submit a suggestion to WTOP’s Fan page on Facebook

Call Talkback at 1-877-222-1035.

The top 10 will make the list, and the winner will be voted on and announced Friday.

For more deatils check out the WTOP Site

Categories: This and That Tags: