
Posts Tagged ‘Rosh Hashanah’

Day 1493 – New Year Cards

August 1st, 2013 No comments

I was asked by to create a range of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) cards for the Matan Organization this year.  Such an honor as they always have the most beautiful cards available and the proceeds go towards a really great organization.  This year they picked my cards (a selection of 4) as part of their annual fund raiser.  So if you want to send  a “sweet” message this year to family & friends follow the link to the Matan Holiday Cards and help support a very worthy cause.

To learn more about Matan, visit their website at .  According to Matan “Our goal is to provide a space for open conversation and concrete ideas about Jewish special education.  Individually, we are Jewish educators, special educators, community leaders, Rabbis, teachers and parents.  One by one, we are searching for the very best for our schools, our students, our congregants and our own children.  Collectively, we are a community of people who care deeply about Jewish children with special needs; who are ready to seek answers, express frustrations, share ideas and cull the finest of what this emerging field has to offer.  At Matan, we believe that the voice of the “collective” is far louder than the voice of any individual organization or person.  We hope you will check back often, and that your voice will be part of the conversation.”

You can order Rosh Hashanah cards directly from the Matan Site, by following this link:  Matan Holiday Cards

Here are my designs:

DSC00447 DSC00448 DSC00436 DSC00438 DSC00440 DSC00441 DSC00443 DSC00446

Categories: Worthy Causes Tags:

Day 820 – Shana Tova

September 28th, 2011 No comments

For those who will be celebrating the New Year at sun down today,  I wish you all a happy, peaceful and meaningful year ahead.  A year filled with only sweetness and joy.  Apples and honey.

L’Shana Tova to all

Apples and Honey for a Sweet New Year