
Posts Tagged ‘Quentin Tarantino’

Day 209 – Inglourious Basterd

January 24th, 2010 No comments

I wasn’t planning on running off a celebrity doodle today.  We were watching the SAGs last night (Screen Actors Guild Awards) and when Inglourious Basterds won best ensemble (their equivilant of Best Picture), my son pleaded with me to draw, what he calls, “the chin”.  So at 1:30 in the morning there I was searching for a clear picture of Quentin to sketch. 

Quenitin Tarantino, for those that don’t know, is the director of “Inglourious Bastards” (spell check is gonna have a field day with this)  It is a good movie, a bit long winded in parts.  The bar scene in particular went on and on and on, to the point that I was begging for the talking to stop and the shooting to begin.  Quenitin Tarantino is a fantastic director and a fun person too.  One of my favorite movies of all time is his classic “Pulp Fiction”

So by inreasing his Oscar stakes, he sure as heck deserved to be doodled.  (and he does have a very doddle-able face)

By the way the guild awards were no big surprises,  Sandra Bullock – best Actress (now i’m almost certain that Meryl will win the Oscar)

Jeff bridges – Best Actor, Monique – Best Sup Actress & Christoph Waltz – Best Sup Actor and I think all of these are strong Oscar winners.

That being said…. here’s Quentin Tarantino in doodle form.

The Chin - Quentin Tarantino


Day 54 – A night at the Movies

August 22nd, 2009 No comments

Just got home from seeing two pretty good movies.  District 9 & Inglourious Basterds.  Two very different but both intense movies.  Loved District 9 (and I must admit when I saw the preview, before I knew anything about it, I though it was a joke).  It was a well made, surprisingly well acted movie and as a South African ex-pat, I had a chuckle everynow and then at somethings that were said. 

Inglourious was a different story.  I do love the work of Quentin Tarantino.  His dialog is sharp and crisp and his scenes are often so well orchestrated.  Pulp Fiction is one of my all time favorite movies.  I just felt with this one he dragged on and on in some scenes.  The constant language switches were at times difficult to grasp, especially when his dialog is so rapid fire, it becomes tough to follow with the sub titles.  But, overall it was true Tarantino and worth seeing.

I never invisioned my Doodle Blog entry to be a movie review, but I hope I was able to give you some insight into these two summer blockbusters.

On to the doodle of the day for Saturday:

A little blue, a little black

A little blue, a little black