I had major issues getting into my blog last night, so today’s doodle comes to you a little later than normal. The important thing is that it is still Day 452, so we did not miss a beat. Coming to the end of the purple series, but as we all know…. nothing ever truely comes to an end, so purple will be back. This one I just scanned in, so the purple did not come out as bold as I would have liked.
Enough said, here’s todays doodle:

This week feels like it went on and on forever, and we are only getting started with Friday. It has been insanely busy and we had to deal with the Twitter Hacker and Facebook going down, what a week.
Yesterday I spent 3 straight hours in meetings back to back. I got a ton of really cool doodles drawn. They will show up next week. Here’s another in the purple series. I am sure you will all be sick of “the Color purple” (no offence Whoopi & Oprah) after this weeks experiment is over.
I do like all these doodles though. Here’s another where the photographed and scanned image came out so differently.

Photo of the image
here is the

The Scanned Version
This is day 4 of the purple series and my purple sharpie is slowly drying up on me. Might call for a trip to Office Depot for a replacement. Don’t you love the swirls on this one. I didn’t even dare try scan it in, I went straight for the camera. I think I need a light box. Any suggestions?

Here is Day 3 of the Purple series. This one highlights the difference between the scanned image and the photo image. The Scanned image shows the look I was going for. A continuation of yesterday’s wave, but you don’t see the sharp colors. hopefully the photo below portrays that.

as you can see
the scanned version
does not show the colors
half as well.

and here
is the image
in it’s
original state.

I ended up having to take some pictures of my purple creations, because as you will see with some of them, the colors did not come through on the scanned version. This one was not too bad. I think they look the best in real life, so the lucky person who eventually gets the original will see exactly what I mean.
I love the design itself, it’s like a massive wave approaching the shore.
This is the photographed version, where you can see the distinction between the purple and the blue. The scanned version did not show the distinction. On some of the others I will show how differently they came out.

I have been working on this purple/blue/black series of doodles, that came out really well. The only problem is that they did not scan in so great. The colors got lost in the scanning process… and then the scanner froze up on me.
So I am going to take pictures of them and then upload to the site, but all this week will be part of the purple series. So I thought I would kick off with something very different to the new series, but that I had colored totally in purple. This is a good way to kick off the week long series.
I call this the “Purple Hays”