
Posts Tagged ‘post-it’

Day 723 – Post-it Mosaic1

June 23rd, 2011 No comments

I started working on a series of post-it mosaics recently…. they still have a way to go, but I laid them out for a start just to see what the finished product may look like.  what do yo think?  Heading in the right direction.  I am working on a few more tiles and hope to have the complete set as one piece soon.  It’s always fun to try new things.

Also gearing up for my second anniversary of the Daily.  Two years of non-stop doodling.  Time to get some worldly recognition. Nahhh, I just love what I do.

In the mean time here’s one of the panels in the post-it mosaic doodles.

Here’s a rotated

alternate view.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,

Day 535 – New Post-its

December 17th, 2010 1 comment

So, we did end up getting a couple of inches of snow, which in DC is more of nuisance than a snow event. The roads are a mess, but we can be thankful we didn’t get the same dumping that we received this week last year. Now we can only wonder what the commute will be like in the morning.
I have been working on these post-its for a while now. Every now and then when i’m on the phone I grab a post-it rather than a sheet of paper and while solving some acute problem, whip one of these up. Today I was looking for something on my desk and found some of these, so thought it was the right time to add them to the collection.

I do like the way these turned out:

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: ,

Day 423 – Back Up & Post-it

August 27th, 2010 No comments

Crash Aborted!

I am back up and running and able to post on a regular schedule and keep the streak alive. We will not miss a day.  Yesterday, while I was down (at home) I was able to post a couple of twitpics of some post-it note doodles I had lying around the office.  Then I realized I had scanned a while bunch a while back, so those became the segue to today’s doodle.  It’s been a while since I did a series on post-it notes, so now is a good a time as ever.

These have always been a favorite of mine.  It’s so easy, while you are on the phone at work to grab a post-it and start scribbling.  Well those scribbles turned into doodles, which in turn found a life of their own online.

If you do a quick search for post-it on my blog, you will see the many others that I have done.  Here is today’s series.

Post-it #1

Post-it #2

post-it #3

post-it #4

Post-it #5

Categories: This and That Tags: ,

Day 283 – Post-it round out

April 9th, 2010 1 comment

Here are the last few post-it doodles (for now, because you know they will be back again).  But I would love to see what others do on a post-it note.  Everyone has a post-it or 2 lying around, why not doodle me your take on what should go on the little square that says it all.  I would love to see your doodles too (and post them on the site, how cool would that be).  Once you get started, you will be hooked for sure.

Here are my final post-it doodles for the week.

Starting with a post-it corner:

Post-it corner doodle


going round

in circles

Part of an upcoming "dotty" series


circular motions. . .

in a circular motion

Grouped as One

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 282 – Back to the Post-its

April 8th, 2010 2 comments

We took a break yesterday to give a shout out to Kane, but today and tomorrow it’s back to the post-it doodles.  We have to finish what we started.  We are also dealing with a crazy heatwave here in DC.  90 some odd degrees the past 2 days.  This is insane, not so long ago we were dealing with a blizzard and now this.  Where on earth did spring dissapear to?  Hopefully it will cool down over the weekend.

So while we swelter here are some post-it doodles:

Post-it Corners


Post-it Art


Post-it Classic

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 280 – Post-its in Yellow

April 6th, 2010 No comments

Here are more of this weeks Post-it Doodle series.  These were done on the yellow post-its.  Post-it doodles are always fun to do, because they are quick and you don’t have too much ground to cover.  So if you have free time and a post-it pad on hand, then give it a doodle.  It can be quite addictive.

Post-it in yellow

more of the same…

Post-it with corners Doodle

more yellow post-its

A Pansey Shell post-it doodle

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:

Day 279 – Post-it Doodles are back

April 5th, 2010 No comments

Here are a new series of Post-it doodle.  It’s always fun doodling on the confined space of a post-it note.  I did these without my usual sharpie, because I was trying out a new effect.  I have Blue today & Yellow tomorrow.

Post-it Doodle 1

Post-it Doodle 2

Geometric Post-it

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: