
Posts Tagged ‘Academy Awards’

Day 971 – Oscar Night 2012

February 26th, 2012 No comments

Tonight is Oscar night.  One of my favorite nights of the year.

This year Billy’s Back and I ready for a good show.

Have you made your predictions

Is “The Artist” going to run away with it?

Does it have any competition?

Does “The Help” need any help?

Will Margret help Meryl make it to 3?

We will find out tonight, with a wrap up tomorrow.

I was trying to think of something to doodle that would compliment the Oscars well.

I have done the statue in the past, but couldn’t think of anything different.

So I’ll leave you with a question mark, to ponder who will win?

The Question is, "Who will win?"

Day 607 – Oscar Special

February 27th, 2011 No comments

Even though I have already posted my Day 607 doodle, I would be amiss if I didn’t post my Oscar Predictions and give a throw back to the Oscar doodle I did last year.  I think this year will be one of not too many surprises.  Even though I am going with “The Kings Speech” as best picture, I do believe the “The Social Network” was a far better movie and my all time favorite of the year is still “127 Hours”  I though that was such an amazing movie, kudos to James Franco & Danny Boyles’ directing

So here goes my official pics for the 83rd Academy Awards

Best Picture – “the Kings Speech”

Best Actor – Colin Firth – The Kings Speech

Best Actree – Natalie Portman – Black Swan

Best Supporting Actor – Christian Bale – The Fighter

Best Supporting Actress – Melissa Leo – The Fighter

Best Director – David Fincher – The Social Network

Let’s see what the outcome is tonight.

in the mean time Here’s Oscar

and the OSCAR goes to . . .

Day 251 – Six for Six on Oscar

March 8th, 2010 No comments

Another year is done and this year I was spot on. Six for six, not bad at all.  The show was a little flat for me, but it moved and came in at just ove 3 and a half hours.  Sandra Bullock was as cute as ever and we finally saw the first woman director to win the award.  Not bad at all. 

So as we wind down and Oscar season comes to a close.  Here’s a rushed doodle tribute to Best Actress Oscar winner Sandra Bullock.

Tomorrow we will be back with a new series of doodles.

Sandra Bullock Doodle

Sandra Bullock - Best Actress winner

Day 250 – And the Oscar goes to

March 7th, 2010 1 comment

Tonight is the night I wait fro all year.  As any avid movie buff and award show Fundi knows, this is our Superbowl, our Game 7, the biggest night of the year.  I have been following and tracking the Academy Awards for as long as I can remember.  As a kid I rememebr staying up late the night before listening to “The Voice of America” on shorwave radio to hopefuly catch a snippet of what the predictions might be.  I kept scrap books of nominees and winners as a momento. 

This year I made a concerted effort to see as many of the major nominations as possible and the selection of movies were very deserving.

So here goes my predictions for the 82nd Academy Awards:

Best Picture – “The Hurt Locker”

Best Actor – Jeff Bridges in”Crazy Heart”

Best Actress – Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side”

Best Supporting Actor – Christoph Waltz in “Inglorious Bastrerds”

Best Supporting Actress – Moninque in “Precious”

Best Director – Kathryn Bigelow “The Hurt Locker”

Those are “The Doodle Daily’s” Predictions for the major awards, let’s see how things pan out tonight.

The 82nd Academy Awards live in ABC at 8/7 central.  I will be there watching from beginning to end.

And the Oscar goes to …


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