
Posts Tagged ‘“127 hours”’

Day 544 – Boxing Day

December 26th, 2010 No comments

Whenever I think of Boxing day, I think it must be related to art of punching in a ring (which reminds me that I must go see the new movie “The Fighter”) In fact Boxing day (which is by no means an American Holiday) is a day dedicated to boxing up unwanted gifts and sharing them with those less privileged. I think it is a wonderful tradition and it’s a pity it is not carried out all over the world.

now let me go see where and when the new Boxing movie “The fighter” is showing.

Talking of movies, I recently saw two top notch Oscar worthy films “The Kings Speech” and “127 Hours”  The former was lovely a good movie, by no means a great movie, very formula like, but superbly acted.  The latter, which is the new Danny Boyle (of Slumdog Millionaire) movie.  What an amazing thrill ride.  It is the true story of Aron Ralston, who after a climbing accident, and 5 days of being trapped, had to cut off his right arm to survive.  Talk about costing an arm and a leg.  This is one unbelievably well made movie, and even though I new the story and outcome (it was all over the news at the time) it was like seeing it fresh.  Go seek out this fantastic movie.  James Franco is a marvel in the role.

Ok that being said I still need to post today’s doodle – no connection at all with boxing day or the movies, but I like this one and you can interpret it any way you like.