
Archive for the ‘Doodle on Objects’ Category

Day 120 – Ceramic Doodle

October 27th, 2009 No comments

I started playing around with some old ceramic tiles the other day, just to see how things would work out.  My faithful old sharpie wouldn’t cut it.  I was getting smudged all over, didn’t look good at all.  After some trial and error, I found the pen that worked and this was the outcome.  Now I’m thinking these could be mounted and framed.  what do you think?

Ceramic Doodles

Ceramic Doodles

A Doodled Tile

A Doodled Tile

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 74 – Time for a scrub

September 11th, 2009 No comments

My poor Sharpies were put through the ringer on this one, but I had to do it.  As you can see I had to switch colors, because the alkali of the soap kept drying up the pens.  That wasn’t going to stop me, I just kept on doodling.  I must tell you, I really like the outcome.  It may be a bit messy, not a work of art, but it is soap and messes are very easy to clean up.

So if you ever want to wash away the blues, just doodle up some soap.

A doodled bar of soap

A doodled bar of soap

Soap from another angle

Soap from another angle

And not to be totally washed away, and lose site of the fact that we are here to show what doodling is really all about,  here’s my original doodle for the day

A compliment to the Soap

A compliment to the Soap

Day 73 – I leaf my heart in . . .

September 10th, 2009 3 comments

Another day, Another Doodle.  Still going strong at Day 73 and I haven’t missed one yet.  While we are in the middle of another Object Doodle week, I have been working on some really cool new stuff, which I can’t wait to show you next week.  So stay tuned.

Today the object of choice is soon to change color and I had to capture it before the seasons turn.  Everyone these days is going green, so the doodle daily had to jump on the band wagon as well.  I give you the doodled leaf.

Going Green

Going Green

Turn a new leaf

Turn a new leaf

Here’s an original that blends well with the Leaf Theme of the day.

A Leafy Original

A Leafy Original

Categories: Doodle on Objects, This and That Tags:

Day 72 – Anyone for Tennis

September 9th, 2009 No comments

I love the US open, it is such a fun 2 weeks of amazing Tennis.  I love the late night prime time matches that always produce such entertaining matches.  This year has been no exception.  There have been some great matches and what about the upsets.  Melanie Oudin, John Isner giving us shocking upsets that make the game so exciting.  Safina & Venus out so early…. it’s hat makes the open what it is.  So I had to do US Open doodle tribute.  I thought about doodling a racket…. nah too boring.  Thought about a Roger or Rafa sketch….. better but who would I take on (I may still tackle a couple in time)

So I figured it doodle object week,  why not take on the ball….. but thus sucker is tough to draw on.  I still think it’s a perfect item for Object week.  So in honor of the US Open, here is our doodle object for this Wednesday.

Tennis ball from above

Tennis ball from above

US Open Tribute

US Open Tribute

Tennis Ball from another angle

Tennis Ball from another angle

And our Original drawing for today:

Part of the US Open Tribute

Part of the US Open Tribute

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 71 – Tea Time

September 8th, 2009 1 comment

A while back I doodled on a Teabag package while on the phone at work and I threw it up here, just as a joke.  People loved it.  This past week I figured why not open it up and see if I can mess with the teabag itself.  Lo and behold we have the results.  My poor Sharpie is going to places it never dreamed it would.  Tell me what you think.  I promise I didn’t put this teabag back.  But like Dee said yesterday with the Banana, I should frame it.

Tea for two or Two for Tea

Tea for two or Two for Tea

Doodled Tea

Doodled Tea

And in keeping with the plan for this week in conjunction with the Object doodle, here is another original Doodle Daily drawing for you to enjoy.
An original Doodle

An original Doodle

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 70 – Gone Bananas

September 7th, 2009 4 comments

The start of a new week and as I said yesterday, I went crazy on some everyday objects again.  This is becoming dangerous, but lots of fun, I’m scribbling on everything in sight.  All this for your viewing pleasure.  So please enjoy, I always love to hear what you think.

This one was fun and easier to draw on than I had originally thought.

A doodled banana

A doodled banana

Banana Republic

Banana Republic

Just an old fashioned doodle

Just an old fashioned doodle

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 69 – Sunday doodle Sunday

September 6th, 2009 No comments

It is turning out to be a beautiful weekend weather-wise, which is great now, but after Monday the pools close and Summer is put to rest for another year.  We all go back into hibernation, waiting for the cold to set in.  Leaves are already falling…. Oh well we still have to glorious days of Summer to go.

This coming week I have some new object doodles on display, along with some drawings that I have been stacking up while doing these little side projects.

Here are some hints of what I have in store:

snip1 snip2 snip3 snip4

Take a look during the week at how these snippets evolve.

For the pure doodle lovers out there, I am also mixing in some of my original works.  I really hope that you enjoy.


A summerlike Floral display

Another Floral display

Another Floral display

Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 60 – Just a spoonfull of . . .

August 28th, 2009 No comments

A while back I gave you a doodled plate and cup, so why not throw in the flatware.  I love this doodled spoon, but it’ s been lying around too long and the artwok appears to be pealing off.  So I quickly snapped it.

A doodled Spoon

A doodled Spoon

Then, while I was scrolling through my pics, I found the fork I had done a while back.  I’m not so crazy about the doodle fork, but it goes with the flatware.

The Doodled Fork

The Doodled Fork

And then in the midst of everything I felt like a cup of tea…..

from a doodled tea-bag

A Doodled Tea bag Package

A Doodled Tea bag Package


Tea Bag -a- doodle

Tea Bag -a- doodle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 59 – Another 3 for Thursday

August 27th, 2009 4 comments

You gotta love them doodles.  Yesterday was the busiest day on the site, thanks to all those that are stopping by on a daily basis.  Now I’m getting mail from folk who are here because the love to doodle, are inspired by doodles are intrigued, are uplifted.  I am so pleased that what I am doing is being recognized.  The amazing power of the Internet,  reaching those with a passion all over the world.  Keep coming back and leave comments and feedback, so that I know you’ve stopped by for a quick visit.

Recently I decided the site needed a little face lift.  I picked a new WordPress Theme (you gotta love WordPress).  This theme gives me more space to play with and more options.  Do you see the FACEBOOK page link.  Why not become a fan of ours on Facebook.  Since “The Doodle Daily” is an offshoot of our parent company “Tjomies Vintage Stationery” the facebook site is, where you will find many interesting things. 

So I chose a new theme and I also felt it needed a little color, so I introduced a new banner and background.  I would love to hear what you think.  so leave a comment or drop me a line through the contact link on the sidebar —–> the one on the left.

That being said, we still need to see the doodles.

For the object doodle today I smoothed out some tin foil (lunch wrap) and gave it a spruce up.  Recycle time, let’s not waste. 

Doodle on Tin Foil

Doodle on Tin Foil

                                        From a diferent perspective, using a flash!

Aluminum/Tin Foil

Aluminum/Tin Foil

 That’s one way to save the planet.

 Now to round out 3 for Thursday. 

Here is a  doodle drawing n blue ink that I did recently and wanted to share.

Doodle Design in Blue

Doodle Design in Blue


Categories: Doodle Art, Doodle on Objects Tags:

Day 58 – You light up my doodle

August 26th, 2009 No comments

A Candle in the wind

A doodle sheds some light

The savior during a Summer storm

A touch of romance, the mood is set

but all will be gone at the end of it’s reign

A candle gets it's doodle

A candle gets it's doodle

From another angle

From another angle

Categories: Doodle on Objects Tags: