Home > Doodle Art > Day 1733 – Pool Blue Doodle

Day 1733 – Pool Blue Doodle

A little blue

goes a long way

A pool of blue doodle


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:
  1. jan
    March 28th, 2014 at 13:15 | #1

    I like this one but I have to say for some reason it reminds me very much of a Thanksgiving turkey! I guess doodles are about like a Rorschach test…we all see something different! have a great weekend

  2. March 28th, 2014 at 13:28 | #2

    Jan, I love that you are seeing a Thanksgiving Turkey in this one. I even had to go back and take a closer look. What a cool observation and yes indeed we all see something unique and different in each drawing. Thanks for your feedback… Warren

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