
Archive for June 29th, 2013

Day 1460 – Nearly 4

June 29th, 2013 No comments

So I have the hacker police hard at work on trying to figure out what and who is messing with my daily doodles.  They said it could take 24 to 48 hours to be completely rid of the critters.  So if you see  a post or two for “VitaMagic” hair shampoo or tips on how to lose 20 lbs in 3 days,  just laugh them off.  They are more annoying, than harmful.  I did notice that I lost a Facebook and Blog follower.  Do you think they were scared away by the non-doodle random junk or maybe they lost interest in my daily dose of doodles.

Well to all of you that have stuck around,  I am glad to have you on board.  Tomorrow is another milestone,  so stick around for the fun.

Today we are still 3, tomorrow we turn 4. Here’s a new Russian Text Doodle to see out the current year


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