Home > Doodle Art > Day 1425 – A New Aproach

Day 1425 – A New Aproach

You all know my love for the 3″ post-it.  They are the perfect size for a quick phone doodle and come in a variety of colors.  I have been using them as a medium for several years and I must have amassed over 600 (many of which have never been posted).  I still need to figure out what I want to do with them.  Well I got to thinking of several mural ideas and soon the following evolved.  One square at a time.  Now I have several (close to 50) of these squares and can turn them into a piece of art.

Take a look at the build up to the finished product.  I think these would frame really nicely.  Here’s the first “the red n orange”

Would love to hear what you think of these:

The first panel:


adding in one more


Now we have 3


panel emerging


almost there:


and here is the finished product

All it needs is mounting and framing


Categories: Doodle Art Tags:
  1. May 25th, 2013 at 04:36 | #1

    I love the idea how effective and it looks great.

  2. May 25th, 2013 at 14:59 | #2

    Thanks. I am working on a few more, different colors.

  3. Barbara Konopa
    May 25th, 2013 at 22:33 | #3

    Very clever idea. Love your doodles. Thanks for sharing.

  4. revbyrd
    May 27th, 2013 at 17:05 | #4

    Hello, my friend. As you know, I love what you do. Your doodling is always so cheerful!

    As to what to do with your postits . . . a friend of mine decided to take an entire wall and make a mosaic — sorta. He cut blocks of wood into 3 by 3 in squares and did a doodle or painting in each one of them and has the entire wall covered in his tiny apt.

    Now, I’m not suggesting you cuta bunch of wood, but since they are postits, you could make a mosaic just by sticking them to a wall.

    Just a thought.


  5. May 27th, 2013 at 21:22 | #5

    I love your idea and it has crossed my mind too. Not sure my wife would take to it as openly. That being said, I may create separate panels on foam board and then assemble them together as a temporary structure, that could fill an entire wall.

    As always so nice to hear from you and your feed back is so welcome.


  6. May 27th, 2013 at 21:24 | #6

    Hi Barbara

    So nice to hear from you and very happy to hear that you are enjoying my doodles. It’s a labor of love, so it always touches me when I hear back from people like you who take the time to peek at my blog.


  7. May 30th, 2013 at 15:16 | #7

    Gorgeous! I shall never look at my sticky notes the same way again. – Bethe

  8. May 30th, 2013 at 19:35 | #8


    So glad you like it. If you could only see the stack of sticky notes I have piled up. They are so much fun to draw on.
    Thanks for stopping by the blog and giving your feedback.


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