Day 1207 – Bear Necessities
When I started this I was not thinking Bear.
But he sure turned out like one.
And now I have the Jungle Book song stuck in my head.
Day 1206 – Stained Blue
Not quite the stained glass of yesterday
but it does have that cracked feel to it.
I call this one “Stained Blue”
I need to give these the Instagram feel.
Day 1205 – Stained Glass
Playing around with color again.
and this one looks like a beautiful piece of Stained Glass
deliberately unfinished.
Day 1204 – Older but Wiser
I had some fun with this one.
He looks as if he’s about to take off
but his age is holding him back
(Is that because I am feeling a year older)
Day 1202 – Up Late
I am up late again, having returned from a fantastic party. Always great celebrating with family and friends. it’s now 1:30 in the morning, so I better head off to bed. Quick post before catching some shut eye.
Day 1201 – Emblem
Up late, not just posting late.
After spending a wonderful night with family from near and far.
Finally getting a chance to post my Day 1201 doodle
Here’s to a great weekend.
Day 1200 – Twelve Hundred
Day 1200
Did I ever imagine I would reach this milestone.
1200 Days – 1200 Doodles
I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have.
Quite appropriately today is 10/12 of 2012.