Home > Doodle Art > Day 972 – The Artist & Meryl

Day 972 – The Artist & Meryl

A great night at the Academy Awards.  The Artist (no surprise won Best Picture, Best Actor & Director leading to a sum of 5 awards overall) Hugo, too walked away with 5 technical awards.  But my biggest shriek of joy came when Meryl Streep won Best Actress.   After a 30 year dry spell…. 30 years since Spohie’s Choice, and 17 nominations in all she finally has #3.  So well deserved.  Even though my Oscar Ballot I predicted Viola Davis from “The Help”, I was over the moon to see Meryl ascend the stage in gold to pick up the gold.

The hugest surprise of all night was that the show came in at just over 3 hrs.  Is that a record for one of the shortest shows in years. The show moved at a swift pace and as always Billy Crystal was amazing as always.  So good to have him back and in superb form.

My night of nights is now over and we can only look forward to next year.  I hope you had fun at the oscars too.

I now wish that I had a Meryl doodle or an Artist doodle ready to go, but alas I was too engrossed in the show to draw.  So here’s my Oscar Night Mandala

Oscar Night Mandala

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