Home > Doodle Art > Day 936 – Annie L

Day 936 – Annie L

There is a new exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum called Annie Liebovitz: Pilgrimage which charts a new direction for one of America’s best-known living photographers.  This series of Photographs showcase subjects that moved the artist as opposed to her usual carefully staged and lit portraits.  Since I had never been to the Portrait Gallery and this exhibit just opened on Friday, we took ourselves downtown to enjoy the exhibition first hand.

I was pleasantly surprised.  The exhibit itself is small, but there are so many delights that the Museum has to offer that soon I was lost wondering the halls of presidential portraits and numerous other famous people.

There is so much in this great city of ours that I never fully take advantage of, maybe now I’ll be making more frequent trips into the cultural heart of DC.  If you want to find out more about the Annie Liebovitz exhibition take a look that American Art Museum site.

Note quite “portrait gallery” ready, here is my doodle of the day

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  1. January 22nd, 2012 at 05:57 | #1

    You are so right most people do not take advantage of what is available around them- How often do we vacation in the places where we live.
    I went to the Anne Lebovitz exhibit here at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. It was a large major exhibit and I found it fascinating

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