Home > Doodle Art > Day 906 – Holiday Weekend

Day 906 – Holiday Weekend

The Holiday weekend gets off to a wet start, but that’s ok.  It could be worse we could be buried in 2 feet of snow.  In fact it’s been downright balmy the last couple of days, so no one is complaining.  Yesterday was also the “Winter Solstice” the shortest day of the year, so the good news is that from now on days will only get longer… Winter hasn’t even hit us and already I feel like Spring is around the corner.

Have you done all your shopping, the count down has begun.  The lights must be all up, and the festive season is in high gear. It’s going to be a nice long weekend.  Plenty of time to draw.

Here’s the doodle to kick off the holidays:

Tootin' the Horn

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