Day 903 – Ode to Joyous
Don’t you find around the holiday time, that there is a lot more joy in the air. People smile more, and tend to be a lot more forgiving. They will open doors for you rather than rush past you to get out of the cold. They will hold the elevator and give you a nod as you step in. There’s a lot less honking if you cut someone off by accident and even if they are rushing to get last minute shopping done, they are so much more courteous on the roads. Lines are long at this time of the year, yet people don’t seem to mind and will leave the store gift in hand having made a new friend with the kind soul in front of them. People are happy… It’s a joyous time of the year.
So put on your best smile and enjoy the holiday season, because in the blink of an eye it will be gone and we’ll all be back to our old selves.
Here’s my ode to joyous doodle: