Home > Doodle Art > Day 789 – Eye of the Storm

Day 789 – Eye of the Storm

The lights are flickering, so I am trying to get this posted before we potentially lose power. The storm for us in Maryland has not been bad at all today, but the sights in other areas look rather bleak.  As I type this, I am watching a report on New York City and Time Square is completely empty…  We have never seen that before.  Not a soul is visible…. The beaches have been evacuated too…. Thank goodness this is not a killer storm, but there is a lot of water, a lot of rain…. and flooding is the thing they are most concerned with.   I will fill you in tomorrow, because we just got another flicker….

Here is my storm day doodle;  it’s another hurricane shaped mandala

Another Storm churning Mandala

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