Day 785 – I felt the earth move
This is not meant to happen on the east coast, but yesterday around 1:40 we had a 5.8 earthquake right here in the DC area. We don’t get earthquakes…. we don’t get hurricanes…. we should be immune! What is going on. 5.8 is big. I am in Maryland about 100 miles away from the Epicenter that was near Richmond, VA, but we felt it. Our whole building shook. We had to evacuate.
And that wasn’t the worst part of it… afterwards, it felt like Armageddon here, no sooner had the first reports come through then everyone decided to flee the city, and hit the roads all at one time. Come on people, it was a tremor…. that is all….
Gridlock everywhere for miles and miles. Worse than the average snowstorm and now I hear that Hurricane Irene is coming our way for the weekend. It’s the end of the world…. as we know it.
Thank goodness we all survived and I live to Doodle another Day….