Home > Doodle Art > Day 664 – Travels

Day 664 – Travels

As I mentioned earlier, I spent this past weekend on a college road trip with my son.  Driving over 1000 miles, 21 hrs in the car over a short span of 3 days.  We had the best time.  I learnt a lot.  Having not grown up in the US, getting to understand the college process was quite an experience.  The choices, options and opportunities that kids have over here are amazing.  We saw 3 similar, yet very different schools and I don’t envy my son at all in trying to make a decision on where he will fit in and have the best college experience.

Today’s doodle reflects the road trip we went on, the countryside we passed along the way, the changes in weather and the overall fun we had.

I am so ready for the next one as long as he doesn’t have me drive to Alaska and back.


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