Home > Doodle Art > Day 549 – Farewell 2010

Day 549 – Farewell 2010

The end of the year, and another one passes us by. How quickly time flies, and in the blink of an eye it will be 2011. This new century is marching by fast. It seems like only yesterday that we were all planning and worrying about Y2K and now we are entering Y2K11.
I have been working on my doodle for New Years day, but really didn’t think to plan anything special for new years eve…
So this is what I have for you. (you will have to come back tomorrow, for the new years doodle)

Something colorful for the new years eve (using my menagerie of Sharpie pens)  This could be a fruit smoothie (healthy), popcorn at a fair (not so healthy)  It could be anything you like, I guess.  Just toast in the new year and make 2011 a colorful and creative one.

Have a great (and safe) New years Eve

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