Day 484 – Old School Design
I am so enjoying receiving the work of others who are partaking in the world doodle challenge. It is so much fun to see all the different styles of design and technique that people use. It’s making this project a joy and I would love for you to continue to spread the word. The beauty of this is that anyone can enter. Old, young, artist of lay person. This is for everyone. All you need is a pen and an imagination.
Take a postit note and use that for you design….. I have on many occasions, it’s so much fun. Most importantly don’t ever think your work is not good enough. There is no such thing as a bad doodle.
So give it a shot, spend 15 minutes with a pen and a blank piece of paper and send me the outcome. You will see it’s very therapeutic.
For my doodle today, I went a little old school, with the kinds of design I love to do. Sure the pear feet are cute and cheeky and the ducks and ollies are fun to draw, but I love to create zenlike Mandalas or paisley’s and this one is no exception. I love this type of design, so here are a couple of old school designs for you.
why not a “twofer”
when you go old school
I guess you go all the way.