
Archive for October 9th, 2010

John Lennon 70

October 9th, 2010 5 comments

Today October 9th, 2010 would have been John Lennon’s 70th birthday. I think it only fitting that I add a John Lennon doodle tribute.

John Lennon

A great talent – Lost

A great artist – Gone

The music, His legacy will live forever

We can only IMAGINE!

John Lennon Tribute

John Lennon Oct 9th 1940 – Dec 8th 1970

Day 466 – Fall Weekend

October 9th, 2010 No comments

After a rather cold week the weather turned for the better yesterday and we may end up with a beautiful fall weekend in the 80s. Th only problem is that I will have to spend the weekend raking leaves and everyone knows how much I hate raking leaves. Oh, well what can I do, tis the season to rake.

Yesterday, I actually woke up turned off my alarm, thinking it was Saturday. What a rude awakening, when I had to drag myself out of bed and off to work.

Today’s doodles are a trio of quick office meeting sketches.

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