Home > Doodle Art, This and That > Day 451 – Long week

Day 451 – Long week

This week feels like it went on and on forever, and we are only getting started with Friday. It has been insanely busy and we had to deal with the Twitter Hacker and Facebook going down, what a week.

Yesterday I spent 3 straight hours in meetings back to back. I got a ton of really cool doodles drawn. They will show up next week. Here’s another in the purple series. I am sure you will all be sick of “the Color purple” (no offence Whoopi & Oprah) after this weeks experiment is over.

I do like all these doodles though. Here’s another where the photographed and scanned image came out so differently.

Photo of the image


here is the



The Scanned Version

Categories: Doodle Art, This and That Tags:
  1. David Cohen
    September 24th, 2010 at 06:28 | #1

    Looks like a doodle rollercoaster 🙂

  2. September 24th, 2010 at 07:49 | #2

    You know now that you mention it, it does. Never thought of it that way when I was doing it. Thanks for stopping by again. I love your comments and feedback.

  3. September 24th, 2010 at 21:59 | #3

    I love this.

    I can picture little Dr Seuss characters climbing all over it!

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