
Archive for September 3rd, 2010

Day 430 – Last of the Red

September 3rd, 2010 No comments

I have this real cutie pie as the last of the red series this week,  I did him around the same time that I did Ticky the clown and he is just too adorable not to share.  Talking of Ticky.  How cool is this.  One of my Twitter friends, who writes a new piece of music a day, took my clown doodle and set him to music.  I mean what an honor.  My doodle has it’s own theme music.  You have to check it out.

The site is called Ryan Houck’s music an here is a link Sketch 7: Ab for the Daily Doodle’s clown

Thank’s Ryan for sharing and setting my doodle to music.

Here’s today’s doodle:

Categories: Doodle Art, Red Series Tags: