Now that a whole slew of new Doodlers are discovering “The Daily”, I want to give you an opportunity to be able to review what has gone down the past 417 days. So I am working on creating a snap shop view of every doodle posted. Quite a task at this stage of the game and some how WordPress editor is no fun when you want to place multiple pictures side by side. So it might take a while to get it all done. For now we will continue with today’s Daily doodle.

A Sunday Star
Not sure how this one came about. I actually started it the other way around, but when I turned it upside down, I saw a turtle and it stayed that way. Now it’s one of my favorites. Funny how things turn out that way. That is the beauty of free art drawing. You never know where you will go. I will certainly add this one to my collection of abstract animals.
I am starting to find some really talented fellow doodlers and artists through Twitter and Facebook. If you are not following me yet, jump on board. If Ashton can have over 2 million followers, then so can I…. and he doesn’t even post (or doodle) daily.
Let’s see that fan following grow.
Here’s our Turtle Doodle:

Like a Turtle
Even an old dog can learn new trick. I was dabbling at work on a call today and finished off a pic I had been working on for a while. So I pulled out the Android (I am loving the backflip phone (who needs a decidious fruit, when you have android)) and took this pic. I then emailed it to my newly created twitpic account and voila there it was on twitter…. So cool, The I pulled in the code and hopefully by the time this post is done, it will be today’s doodle.
Give it a click and voila….

Isn’t technolgy amazing, now I don’t need to wait to scan things in. If I have a doodle I just have to post, I can twitpic it direct to twitter and then to the blog (although I still like to scan in the original, because this is their home). That is why you have to start following me on Twitter @thedoodledaily it could not be earier. I picked up a some really cool followers today. New to my blog roll is Sara, who has just started her own dailt doodle. go check it out by selecting the link for “DIYSara’s Daily Doodle” She is so cool and the Chris from PensnPaper is following me on Facebook and @andymcnally is a really cool artist, illustrator and much more is following me on Twitter.
Social Networking is the way to go.
Now go and use Twitpic and FOLLOW @thedoodledaily on TWITTER.
I guess I have been eating a ton of yogurt, because I found this whole pile of Yogurt lids on my desk. so needless to say they had to be “doodled up”. This isn’t even all of them, so we’ll be seeing LiDoodles for quite a while.
It has been quite some time since I did any object doodling, so the LiDoodles make for a nice changes. Now I plan to pick the best and frame them. How cool would that look.

First off, have you hopped on the twitter wagon yet? following us on Facebook yet? Just checking I don’t want any doodle fans to miss out on the up coming give away specials. Follow the links on the previous post and join in on the fun.
Today’s doodle is another Artistic Interpretation. This time with a touch of red. Don’t you just love this one.

The Doodle daily is putting out a quest for more Twitter & Facebook followers. I have some amazing give aways coming up soon and I would love more followers, so that more of you can enjoy what I have to offer.
So, if you are on 
Click on the link to the left and become a fan of
and if you are on

Click on the Twitter link above and follow @thedoodledaily
show your FAN appreciation.
I first called this one “When 2 worlds collide” , because of the way the blue meets the black and the flower brings it all together. Quite a leap from the “Doodlers” that I had the last couple of days.
People often ask me how long it takes to do one of my doodles, this is one that was done over a number of sessions. Because I never sit down and work on something from start to finish, unless it’s a kwiki. Something like this one was done in stages. You start off, you might leave it for a while, you come back on and off until the image is just perfect. Many times an image may take a whole different direction. This one was going to have the blue encasing the flower, but then I decided to go for the two-tone and the result is what you see below.
I hope you enjoy, my “Artistic Integrity”

Here are a couple more of the new “doodle family”….
I’ll let them speak for themselves.


I was never really happy with the banner I had been using lately. It didn’t quite get my message across. So I decided to give it another stab and this one I love. Do you think our good friends at a very popular search engine will come after me, because I played around with their color scheme? Will they even care? I hope not, because I love the way this came out and it gave me a chance to shout out that “The Doodle Daily” was nominated as one of the Top 10 (then 9) blogs in DC. Hey, if you have that accolade, why not scream it from the rooftops. So I did.
I started working on these guys on a whim and they are so cute. I have a whole family of them now. You will see them all over the next few days.
But these one I call “MaDoodle” & “PaDoodle”
Don’t you just want to eat them up?


It’s been a long, crazy, stormy week. I’m tired. I’m squeezing in a couple of my traditional doodles for today and we’ll re-group and write more tomorrow. These two take me back to the doodles I started doing more than a year ago. Wouldn’t you like to see these framed and displayed on your living room wall. Think about it.

Weekend Doodle 1

Weekend Doodle 2