Home > Doodle Art > Day 422 – Crashed!

Day 422 – Crashed!

My computer at home is on strike! I cannot get the sucker to boot up.  He has been well behaved now for months, ever since I gave him a full frontal lobotomy and replaced the hard drive.  But just yesterday, he died and will not reboot.  I get what I call the “black screen of death”  where it tells you to reboot in Safe mode or last working configuration and you get that countdown to nothing…. well nothing is working it loops back to that screen.

What is this poor soul to do.  I live by that guy.

Anyway nuff pouting, I will hav eto call in the troops to get him to work again.  For now I can only post using twitpic (thank goodness for that)  It doesn’t look as great on the site, but click on the image and you get a really nice picture of my work.

This was something I was working on in a meeting yesterday.  It was unfinished, but at this stage of the game,  it’s about as finished as it will get.

The first of my 2 unfinished doodles from yesterday. This one is coming to you viaTwitpic

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