Day 419 – In need of sleep
Why is it that weekends sap more energy out of you. This is meant to be your time to relax, but it does not work out that way. This past weekend was no exception. But it does give us a nice change of pace. If I don’t go sleep soon, I will be a wreck this coming week.
I have been spending a lot of time getting to know twitter this weekend. It’s amazing how many people out there have 365 projects of their own and draw and create on a daily basis. I am thoroughly enjoying meeting all these really talented people. If you are not following me on Twitter you really are missing out. So sign up and follow @thedoodledaily go to I will be looking out for you.
Today’s doodle I loved the minute I started it. I thought of it as “when 2 worlds collide” very pretty. Now you go on and tell me what you think. Comment lines are always open.