
Archive for August 27th, 2010

Day 423 – Back Up & Post-it

August 27th, 2010 No comments

Crash Aborted!

I am back up and running and able to post on a regular schedule and keep the streak alive. We will not miss a day.  Yesterday, while I was down (at home) I was able to post a couple of twitpics of some post-it note doodles I had lying around the office.  Then I realized I had scanned a while bunch a while back, so those became the segue to today’s doodle.  It’s been a while since I did a series on post-it notes, so now is a good a time as ever.

These have always been a favorite of mine.  It’s so easy, while you are on the phone at work to grab a post-it and start scribbling.  Well those scribbles turned into doodles, which in turn found a life of their own online.

If you do a quick search for post-it on my blog, you will see the many others that I have done.  Here is today’s series.

Post-it #1

Post-it #2

post-it #3

post-it #4

Post-it #5

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