Day 302 – Dotty Doddles
A while back I started this series of doodles that were made up of dots and as I was going through some of my scans last night, I realized that I had never posted any of them. So I thought I would start to share a few of them with you. I need to find them all. They were fun to do and very different to some of the other drawings I have made.
So, if you think I am going totally dotty, it’s just the doodles taking over my mind.
Enjoy, and also look out for my first “Doodle Animation” coming soon, once I figure out how to convert it to a movie file. More on that in the next few days.
Also be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedoodledaily and become a fan on Facebook (the doodle daily is under on Facebook) As our anniversary draws near there will be fun stuff coming up and being a FB fan, you will get the news first hand.
For now…. Here’s Dotty #1