Home > Doodle Art > Day 299 – Allergies

Day 299 – Allergies

My allergies have been in full swing this week, driving me crazy with the onset of couging attacks and tight chest.  There is nothing I can do, but wait it out and the good thing is by the middle of next month I will be in the clear again.  So before my next coughing attack arrives, here is today’s doodle.

Categories: Doodle Art Tags:
  1. April 26th, 2010 at 06:56 | #1

    🙂 If only allergies were that cute. My first art show is over and my head is still spinning. I sold two of the doodles and a possible third. I will post about it today or tomorrow. Some people say I should not call them doodles but that is what I see them as.. I would like to know what you think?

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