Day 298 – Being Found
It is so rewarding when people out of the find your site and tell you how much they appreciate your work. You have no idea how gratifying that is. So this is a shout out to all of you that have “Stumbled Upon” The doodle Daily and left me word that you like what you see. I started this blog as a way to share my “scribbles” with the world, I never dreamed it would grow and grow. In 2 days we will be at Day 300 and the countdown will begin to our 1st Anniversary. I look so forward to to sharing it all with you.
And for those that have found me for the very first time. don’t be shy, leave a comment, say Hi. I would love to know that you stopped by.
Here’s your weekend dose of the daily doodle, something fresh and spring like:
I like the green and the doodled butterflys and birds. I am happy to say I sold one of my doodles and had a heart rending experience with the buyer. Take a peek at my blog when you have time for the story. Wow ,day 300 coming up!! are you gettting doodle weary yet or is that special doodle spot of you mind stimulated and bursting with doodles wanting out? I find the more I doodle the more they appear.