Day 295 – Swirls
Sometimes you just let your pen go. No dots, no lines, so squiggles, just swirls. They can be ineward or outward, it depends on the mood and how confined your drawing mood is.
Feature 3 – Swirls
This one had ne going outwards and creating swirls of different sizes. Often I will fill in a space with inward swirls that appear to be running out of space. Swirls are quick and easy to do and look very effective. Here’s doodle style #3 – Swirls.
I like the layered look of your swirl. A question…Do you feel better doodleing in black or is their no difference? I like black…I feel more of a contenment. In answer to your question on my blog… I entered seven and I am selling them for $50.00 each. A real bargain ….because when I get famouse they will be big $$$$$. LOL.
Hi Dee, I hope you sell lots and the show leads to more sales of your gems. In answer to your question, most of my doodles are done in black, which I feel most comfortable with as well. You have no idea how many pens I have worn out. Some of the doodles I like to give a touch of color to, after I have scanned them in. It just adds another dimension to the blog. This one started it’s doodle life in black, but I liked this color for the swirls.
I do also draw in red, green & blue. I was given a set of pens for Christmas from a co-worker that has a bunch of other colors, but I have yet to break them in.
I always revert back to my failthful black sharpie.