Day 297 – Window to the World
I’m ending off the “Master Class” series with what I call “The Landscape Doodle”. This is a doodle that is somewhat planned out, yet still has the free form feel. The Zentangles I did last week are like that in a way. They were designed to fit in a predetermined space, they were planned out, yet the doodle itself was still free form.
A while back I did a series on lansdcapes (Day 116 Kaapstad) or (Day 113 – Doodled Landscape) for example,that show case what I mean. These Doodles set out with a purpose to to represnt something specific, even if some of them are abstract in nature. Take a look back and let me know what you think.
Feature # 5 – Landscape
Sometimes when i am doing these, I will draw a rough pencil outline, since we are trying to create a “landscape” of sorts and with out an outline the landscape may fo astray. Often, I will use different colors, so as to create more than one dimension and I always love the contrast of the black and blue. I call this one “Window to the World” and when I started it I did not have a window in mind, that’s just how it evolved. What you see through that window is purely up to your imagination.
Take a close look at this and tell me what you see, don’t be afraid to leave a comment. I relish the feedback.